first of all thank you for providing Deadline with a license free mode. This is a great opportunity for testing Deadline.
I have installed Deadline 4.1 Client on one machine, the repository on another. When I try to start the client it always looks for a license file. At the first install I made the error to enter the repository machine as license server. As I couldn’t delete this entry in the client configuration I reinstalled the client with an empty entry in the license server field. But the problem persists. There are no other clients running. Attached your find the error message.
Thank you in advance for your help.

If no license server is specified, or if the slave can’t initially connect to the one specified, it checks the slave count and starts up in License Free mode as long as the 2 slave restriction isn’t violated, so I wouldn’t expect the fact that you originally specified a license server to cause problems here.
In the slave list in the Deadline Monitor, how many slaves are showing up? As mentioned, Deadline only runs in license free mode if there are no more than 2 slaves in the list (including the slave that is trying to start up). If you need to delete a slave, just enter Super User Mode from the Tools menu, and then right-click on a slave and select the Delete option.
Thank you. That solved the problem.