Is there a way to throttle back or limit the # of jobs that can be picked up at one time per group or pool?
say I have 100 machines on the farm, and a limited # of floating licenses for a specific software. Is there a way to manage the # of rendering jobs so that it doesn’t go over the # of available licenses and not limit the # of render slaves that “could” pick up the jobs?
I’d rather keep the licenses floating rather than limit the # of machines that can pick up the renders.
Limits are a stub-based system where you define the number of licenses of a product you have, and your Slaves must acquire a stub when they start rendering, and return it when they finish. This way, only a limited number of machines (typically equal to the number of available floating licenses of the specific product or plugin) can render a job that has that Limit assigned. You also have the ability to exclude some machines from the Limit (for example if they happen to have a node-based license of the specific product and should not count towards the Limit usage).