[Linux] Deadline launcher logging

The log file for the launcher could use some timestamps. It’s currently pretty hard to pull apart into discrete execution logs.

The launcher logs should already have time stamps. The Deadline application logs are stored in /var/log/Thinkbox/Deadline6. Are these the logs you’re looking at? If so, can you send us one of the launcher logs so we can have a look?


  • Ryan

Oh maybe it’s just the launcher service then. You’re right that the main logs are there, but there’s also a file at /var/log/deadlinelauncherservice.log that I pulled an error out of today, and that file is just appended with no timestamps.

Ah, right. Yeah, we can put timestamps in the service log too.


  • Ryan

Took a closer look at this, and discovered that we’re piping the launcher’s stdout to this log file, which is unnecessary because it’s already going to its own log file in /var/log/Thinkbox/Deadline6. We’ll still keep this log to echo when the service was started and stopped, and we’ll timestamp those.