[Linux] Deadline repo does not contain the necessary database connection settings file

HI ! trying to install deadline repository on EC2 Linux machine (Ubuntu 20.04)

i’ve downloaded and set up mongodb. it is working and awaits for connection
DL installer seems to connect normally…BUT !
After the installation process stops asking questions it can not continue because:
“An error occurred while trying to update database settings in the repository.”
when i looked at the log files i saw this
" The specified repository path (/mnt/efs/data/dlrepo10) does not contain the necessary database connection settings file."
but why ? i’ve set this directory accessible for r/w for all users and

Why DL installation can not find or create these files ?

P.S. the installer can not download mongodb installation, though internet connection is ok. So i had to do it myself

here is the log:

Log started 03/29/2021 at 16:15:25
Preferred installation mode : text
Trying to init installer in mode text
Mode text successfully initialized
This can take a few minutes
Configuring database (this may take a few minutes)
Executing /tmp/repoinstalltemp/deadlinecommand.exe -ConfigureDatabase "ip-10-0-2-16.eu-central-1.compute.internal;" "27100" "deadline10db" "0" "" "" "false" "" "" "" "false"
Script exit code: 0

Script output:
 Database successfully configured!
 Database Type: MongoDB
   Hostname(s): ip-10-0-2-16.eu-central-1.compute.internal;
 Database Name: deadline10db
          Port: 27100
      Port Alt: -1
   SSL Enabled: False
  Authenticate: False
     User Name:
   Replica Set:
      Split DB: False
       Version: 10

Script stderr:

Executing /tmp/repoinstalltemp/deadlinecommand.exe RunCommandForRepository Direct "/mnt/efs/data/dlrepo10;" IsSecretsManagementEnabled
Script exit code: 1

Script output:
 The specified repository path (/mnt/efs/data/dlrepo10) does not contain the necessary database connection settings file.

There may be a network issue, or a valid repository has not been installed at this location. If one has not yet setup a repository, it is possible to do so using the repository installer included in the installation files.

Script stderr:
 child process exited abnormally

An error occurred while trying to update database settings in the repository.