[Linux]: Errors with job reports view

After using the Job Reports view for awhile, I’ve ended up with a lot of Tracebacks echoed to my terminal.

A few of these:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "DeadlineMonitor\UI\DisplayWidgets\SlaveReportListWidget.py", line 47, in onSlaveReportModelChanged NameError: global name 'traceback' is not defined

And a ton of these:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "DeadlineMonitor\UI\Controls\JobReportListControl.py", line 82, in calculateReportTypes RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of %S has been deleted

I know you mentioned that the second one is a general issue you haven’t been able to track down, but seeing it so frequently during normal use is somewhat worrisome, so I thought it was worth mentioning again.


Thanks! The first error will be fixed in beta 7.

We’ll take another look at the second error. Ideally, we would like to get rid of these.