[Linux] Exceptions while creating/editing groups/pools

While adding and editing some pools and groups, I’ve gotten several different errors printed to the terminal, with no visual feedback in the GUI. I’ve included them below, along with the steps to reproduce. This is all in Beta 2.

Tools -> Manage Pools:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "DeadlineUI\UI\Forms\ManagePoolsForm.py", line 221, in setupCharts AttributeError: 'QChart' object has no attribute 'setMarginsMinimum'

Selecting a Pool in the list of existing pools, removing a pool assignment from a slave, etc.:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "DeadlineUI\UI\Forms\ManagePoolsForm.py", line 252, in updateCharts RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of %S has been deleted

I also got a few of these:

AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'toString' Traceback (most recent call last): File "..\..\Libraries\ThinkboxUI\UI\Commands\TreeViewCommands.py", line 88, in InnerExecute File "..\..\Libraries\ThinkboxUI\UI\Controls\ExtendedTreeView.py", line 454, in copy AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'toString'

I’m not entirely sure when, and I haven’t been able to reproduce them yet, but based on their position in the terminal log, I believe they were emitted while I was creating my first group.


Thanks! The first and third errors should be fixed in beta 3.

We’ve seen the second error crop up occasionally, but it never appears to have an impact. It’s also not easily reproducible. We’re keeping an eye on it though.


  • Ryan

As far as reproducing the second one, in the Manage Pools window, it is generated every time a pool is selected in the list of existing pools

Hmm, we’re not able to reproduce it this way. I think something specific has to happen before the error starts to be generated. We’ll definitely keep an eye out.