Load single frame issue

Can someone please enlighten me on how load single frame works in the prt loader? I selected the file in the series that I wanted to load the single frame from but when I check the checkbox the point cloud just disappears in the viewport. when I look at what frame is loaded it seems to be the right frame so I am sure that I am missing a step here.


Are you displaying lines or dots?
When loading a single frame, by default the Velocity channel is reset to zero (because a single frame cannot move over time). If the display is set to Velocity, the particles will draw zero-length lines which become invisible. There is a checkbox to preserve the Velocity though for cases where this is desired, like this one: thinkboxsoftware.com/krak-si … stant-mot/

If your display is set to Large Dots or Small Dots and you still don’t see your particles in the viewport, please let us know.
Also note that you can force a single frame by enabling the Custom Range and setting both Start and End to the same value. The difference is that the file will be force-loaded on each frame, while “Load Single Frame Only” will cache the viewport particles and will thus play back much faster when you drag the time slider.

Thanks Bobo, that was it. I had it on display velocities. As soon as I set it back to dots it appeared in the view port.