I am not sure if this was asked before or not.(Probably asked before) But is this possible to have support to control density for each pflow and PRT loader locally instead of setting density for globally in Krakatoa renderer?
Without using magmaflow, Is it possible to have pflow operator which can set density parameters for that particular pflow ignoring global density? and same for PRT loader.
The Global Density does not overwrite the local density, it just SCALES it.
*By default, every particle starts with a local Density of 1.0, unless specified otherwise.
*In the case of a PRT Loader, if the PRT Loader contains a Density channel, the loaded values will be used.
*As you mentioned, a KCM can also modify or replace the Density channel.
*If the PRT Loader has a Visibility channel value other than 1.0, the Density will be scaled respectively (if Visibility is 0.5, Density will be scaled down 50%, if Visibility is 2.0 in TrackView, Density will be up 200% and so on).
*If the PRT Loader has a Material with Opacity value other than 100%, the Density will also be scaled. (This applies to all sources that support a Material, incl. PRT Volume).
*In the case of PFlow, you can specify a local Density via the Scripted Float channel and the Krakatoa Operator to tell Krakatoa to use that as Density.
*Of course, you can override or scale the Density of all particles using a global KCM, or override with a global Color or Map in the Global Render Values rollout.
After all the above Density sources/modifiers have been processed, each particle ends up with some local Density value (note that the Density channel is always allocated in Memory).
Then the global Density value comes and scales that local density up or down for the whole scene.
As you can see, you have a lot of control over the initial density per particle or per object before it reaches the global Density value. You can leave the global Density at 1.0/0 and depend on the local settings only, but in general this is too much to deal with if you want all scene particles to be 10 or 100 times less dense, so most of the time you end up tweaking the global spinners.