Local XMesh Proxy Sequence Erroring on Render Farm

I have been using the XMesh proxy sequence feature to read a local copy of the same cache sequence for objects that are used as particle emitters. Emitting particles from cached objects is slow enough without having to read cache frames over the network. It’s still not super fast locally but much faster than over the network.

Problem is that when I submit those max files to render, the render nodes are giving an error because those frames don’t exist on the render nodes. Is there any way to not give an error in this situation? Or is that just a Max thing and it’s going to error no matter what you do?

Besides using local proxy caches for emitter objects, I can see situations where I may want to use a local cache in the viewports for other objects such as heavy characters, etc and just use the network cache to render. So doing something like hiding, or deleting the emitter objects before submitting wouldn’t be a solution for those cases.


Thanks, I’ll look into this.

I think we should change the loader to ignore the proxy sequence on render nodes.

Anything related to Viewport Display should be ignored when loading a scene in network mode since the only purpose of that mode is rendering and there are no viewports involved. Unless the Proxy sequence was specified for rendering, of course.