Locking user to system user

If someone is logged in as a user other than themselves already, and the repository setting for the user lock:


is enabled, their user does not seem to get flipped back to their own till they restart the monitor.

Interesting, I have tried to reproduce what you have described without success. Here’s what I did:

  1. Ran the monitor as user1
  2. Viewed the repository history, confirmed I was viewing it as user1
  3. Set the user lock
  4. Viewed the repository history, confirmed I was viewing it as the system user.
  5. Modified a job and viewed its history, confirmed I was viewing it as the system user.

Can you provide some steps to reproduce?

  1. set myself to be user ‘lukas.lepicovsky’
  2. turn on superuser mode
  3. go to tools/repo options and enable the system user lock
  4. user in the monitor display is shown as: Capture.PNG
  5. ego centric sorting also shows lukas’ jobs at the top:
  6. turn off superuser mode
  7. i can still edit lukas’ jobs: Capture3.PNG, but i cant edit other’s

It seems to require a monitor restart for the user to go to my regular login in the model/view

Thanks for the update, we will look into this for Deadline 8.

Another thing i’ve noticed that can be used to work around the lock, is that you can switch to a repo that doesn’t have the users locked, switch users, then switch back to the official repo, and the user will not be reset to your system login.