it seems that the LOD boundaries are generating rather harsh visual edges in the rendering:
Is that something that can be fixed on the shading end ?
it seems that the LOD boundaries are generating rather harsh visual edges in the rendering:
Is that something that can be fixed on the shading end ?
I have not noticed it this badly on the renders I’ve done. Is it possible for me to get a simple scene that shows that for me to debug? Or provide me with instructions on how to recreate the issue.
i’ll try and assemble a stripped down scene tomorrow.
I THINK it is more visible in this case due to the nature of the used HDR wich is getting pretty bright towards the horizon.
On another note something that came to my mind is that it might be related to the Reflection Cutoff in the material.
I’ll zero it and re-render tomorrow and see if that helps already maybe. If so that’s one for the FAQ under “VRay pitfalls”
Any luck with this?
I had one more question, are you using the Bermuda “Normal Map” provided? Or is it strictly the mesh that I’m seeing? I can imagine that this might be an issue for mesh-only, but I would hope that this wouldn’t be visible when using the Normal Map.
Hey guys,
got the same problem. As far as i can see this must be a mesh problem because it is even visible in the viewport. And i have a normal map in the Material.
A few informtion about the Scene:
Sorry for the delay. Got dragged away in a mix of my firstborn and some unexected crunch heh.
Anyways I see pretty much exactly what möbius is seeing. If you still need a scene let me know and i’ll slap a quick one together.
ah yes, i was unable to see the problem before. But I set up a scene with all VRay cameras and enviroment, materials, etc, and now I also notice the problem. i’m looking into it right now.
I have been trying to fix this issue for a while now, but it seems like I have a working solution. With a little help from the guys at VRay, I’ve added support for VRay render-time displacement. Using the displacement effectivly makes the LOD boundaries disappear, plus it give a nice smooth mesh.
To use:
-Above your “Bermuda Modifier”, you must place a “VRayDisplacementMod”.
-In the VRayDisplacmentMod, place a “Bermuda Displacement (VRay)” texture map. This texture map is new to the latest build I just uploaded.
I’ve also added it to Bermuda’s setup wizard. So, if you have VRay renderer selected when adding a Bermuda mesh, the wizard will ask you if you want to include render-time displacement, and will set it all up for you.
Hi Conrad,
I’m downloading the new beta now. I had same LOD problems using FinalRender 3.5, do you it will be possible to fix it in the same way ?
For the beta, I’m only doing this special support for VRay. The reason I added it was because I already had working displacement code for VRay from back before we were doing a public beta.
In general, I hope to keep things as render agnostic as possible, but there will always be renderer-specific issues.