Log Window?
2010 SP1 x64

I’m not getting anything in the log window, even with level set to debug.

Thanks. Frost isn’t seeing the logging level set in the window menu. In case you are curious, you can work around this by entering the following into the MAXScript listener:

FrostUtils.LoggingLevel = 5

Excellent. This does seem to confirm something else though. Frost seems to update when hidden, even if nothing referencing the output is visible.

So I have a PRT Loader01 and Frost01, and Frost01 is reading in the PRT Loader. I hide Frost01 and add a KCM to PRT Loader01 and according to the log window, Frost01 is updating.

Odd? It’s just a pain since the PRT Loader01’s KCM is slow enough as is, running the Frost in the background is a pain. If I turn off Viewport Update, it’s fine, so I have a workaround.

Hmm good to know, I was wondering why I was getting lag, I figured it was just the particle systems acting up.

Thanks for your report! Both of the issues described here (broken log window controls, and Frost updating while hidden) should be fixed in the next build.