long delays starting nuke jobs

We are starting to see this on about 5% of all nuke tasks:

2016-05-13 13:41:35:  0: Loaded plugin Nuke (\\inferno2\deadline\repository8\plugins\Nuke)
2016-05-13 13:42:02:  0: Executing plugin command of type 'Initialize Plugin'
2016-05-13 13:53:57:  0: INFO: Executing plugin script 'S:\deadlinedata\lapro1827-secondary\plugins\57363bb18ca0f63824d6a6f9\Nuke.py'

Note the 11-12 min delay there… any clues what could cause this?

Seems like it was the other slave running on the same machine using all the cores. We originally had core affinity set to leave at least a core empty, but that setting was not migrated to d8.

Gotcha, make sense. I was still trying to figure out what on earth could be causing that – glad you guys sorted it out :slight_smile: