Some additional info from one slave found like this this morning (we get maybe 10 a day).
Lapro0865 picked up the job, trying to process it. It executed an OnSlaveStartingJob event, then crashed.
Last log of the slave:
2016-05-18 12:25:19: Scanline: OnSlaveStartingJob sSlaveName LAPRO0865
2016-05-18 12:25:19: Scanline: OnSlaveStartingJob sJobID 573cc10ae869c241b061522f
2016-05-18 12:25:19: Scanline: RemoveJobFolderContents event called LAPRO0865
2016-05-18 12:25:19: Scanline: cleaning sJobsDataFolder: C:\Users\scanlinevfx\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline8\slave\LAPRO0865\jobsData
2016-05-18 12:25:19: Scanline: removing : C:\Users\scanlinevfx\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline8\slave\LAPRO0865\jobsData\573ca6911186a225241329ec
2016-05-18 12:25:21: Scheduler Thread - Synchronization time for job files: 46.797 ms
2016-05-18 12:25:21: Syncronizing Plugin Python from \\inferno2\deadline\repository8\plugins\Python
2016-05-18 12:25:22: Syncronization complete. Took: 0 seconds
2016-05-18 12:25:22: 0: Got task!
2016-05-18 12:25:22: 0: Plugin will be reloaded because a new job has been loaded, or one of the job files or plugin files has been modified
It crashed twice in a row in fact:
Application: deadlinesandbox.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.IO.IOException
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.EndRead(System.IAsyncResult)
at Deadline.Net.DeadlineMessageUtils+a.d(System.IAsyncResult)
at System.Net.LazyAsyncResult.Complete(IntPtr)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object)
at System.Net.ContextAwareResult.Complete(IntPtr)
at System.Net.Sockets.BaseOverlappedAsyncResult.CompletionPortCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)
at System.Threading._IOCompletionCallback.PerformIOCompletionCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)
immediately followed by another sandbox crash:
Application: deadlinesandbox.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.IO.IOException
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.EndRead(System.IAsyncResult)
at Deadline.Net.DeadlineMessageUtils+a.d(System.IAsyncResult)
at System.Net.LazyAsyncResult.Complete(IntPtr)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object)
at System.Net.ContextAwareResult.Complete(IntPtr)
at System.Net.Sockets.BaseOverlappedAsyncResult.CompletionPortCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)
at System.Threading._IOCompletionCallback.PerformIOCompletionCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)
The slave still thinks its rendering. Nothing in the logs for 22 hours now (the job has a 20 hour timeout, which did not get handled):
However in the monitor its clearly unassigned (the task is just queued). The pulse logs show lapro0865 as ‘not rendering’ anymore. But the stub is not returned:
2016-05-18 12:31:07: Performing repository repair
2016-05-18 12:31:07: Performing Orphaned Task Scan...
2016-05-18 12:31:07: Orphaned Task Scan - Loading rendering jobs
2016-05-18 12:31:07: Orphaned Task Scan - Loaded 271 rendering jobs in 25.284 ms
2016-05-18 12:31:07: Orphaned Task Scan - Scanning for orphaned tasks
2016-05-18 12:31:07: Orphaned Task Scan - Separated jobs into 3 lists of 100
2016-05-18 12:31:07: Orphaned Task Scan - Scanning job list 1 of 3 (100 jobs)
2016-05-18 12:31:08: Orphaned Task Scan - Scanning job list 2 of 3 (100 jobs)
2016-05-18 12:31:08: Orphaned Task Scan - Scanning job list 3 of 3 (71 jobs)
2016-05-18 12:31:08: Orphaned Task Scan - Requeuing orphaned task '1' for LAPRO1806: the task is in the rendering state, but the slave is no longer rendering this task
2016-05-18 12:31:08: Orphaned Task Scan - Requeuing orphaned task '0' for LAPRO0865: the task is in the rendering state, but the slave is no longer rendering this task
2016-05-18 12:31:08: Orphaned Task Scan - Cleaned up 2 orphaned tasks in 1.478 s
2016-05-18 12:31:08: Orphaned Task Scan - Done.
2016-05-18 12:31:08: Performing Orphaned Limit Stub Scan...
2016-05-18 12:31:08: Orphaned Limit Stub Scan - Loading limits
2016-05-18 12:31:08: Orphaned Limit Stub Scan - Loaded 3908 limits in 81.304 ms
2016-05-18 12:31:08: Orphaned Limit Stub Scan - Loading slave states
2016-05-18 12:31:08: Orphaned Limit Stub Scan - Loaded 2298 slave states in 130.438 ms
2016-05-18 12:31:09: Orphaned Limit Stub Scan - Offsetting usage count for limit 'nuke' by -2 to match holder count.
2016-05-18 12:31:09: Orphaned Limit Stub Scan - Removing holder 'lapro3093' from limit '573ba6df37a32d36685f0670': no associated stub was found.
2016-05-18 12:31:09: Orphaned Limit Stub Scan - Removing holder 'lapro3093' from limit '573cbf93c47c0210487f5767': no associated stub was found.
2016-05-18 12:31:09: Orphaned Limit Stub Scan - Removing holder 'lapro0768-secondary' from limit '573cbf1f909e6623544cf96f': no associated stub was found.
2016-05-18 12:31:09: Orphaned Limit Stub Scan - Removing holder 'lapro0610-secondary' from limit '573cc0e5021bc81c3036c1aa': no associated stub was found.
2016-05-18 12:31:09: Orphaned Limit Stub Scan - Returned 0 orphaned limit stubs in 536.230 ms
2016-05-18 12:31:09: Orphaned Limit Stub Scan - Done.
(Seeing stuff like this in the pulse log btw… is this normal?:
2016-05-18 12:24:51: Cannot send notification because the email address list is empty.
2016-05-18 12:24:51: Slave 'LAPRO0934-secondary' has stalled because it has not updated its state in 10.836 m. Performing house cleaning...
2016-05-18 12:24:51: Could not find associated job class though.
2016-05-18 12:24:52: Cannot send notification because the email address list is empty.
2016-05-18 12:24:52: Slave 'LAPRO1867-secondary' has stalled because it has not updated its state in 10.700 m. Performing house cleaning...
2016-05-18 12:24:52: Could not find associated job class though.
2016-05-18 12:24:52: Cannot send notification because the email address list is empty.
2016-05-18 12:24:52: Slave 'LAPRO1831-secondary' has stalled because it has not updated its state in 10.904 m. Performing house cleaning...
2016-05-18 12:24:52: Could not find associated job class though.
2016-05-18 12:24:52: Cannot send notification because the email address list is empty.
2016-05-18 12:24:52: Slave 'LAPRO0522' has stalled because it has not updated its state in 11.069 m. Performing house cleaning...