machine limit in deadline not being set

Running Deadline 2.5, and the submit all partitions to deadline function isn’t respecting the machine limit set in the submit to deadline 2 dialog. I’m not sure if this is a problem with deadline or krakatoa.

Running Deadline 2.5, and the submit all partitions to deadline function

isn’t respecting the machine limit set in the submit to deadline 2 dialog.

I’m not sure if this is a problem with deadline or krakatoa. <<

Thanks. This has been logged as defect number 3816.

Also, I can’t seem to find the “enforce strick rendering order” thingy in the submit dialog. I see it in the job properties, so if I submit suspended I can change it before it starts, but it would be nice to just submit it this way.

That would be “Enforce Sequential Rendering”.

This was logged as a bug against Deadline - Defect #3599. According to our

database, this has been fixed internally. I am not sure when the update

will be released to users. I’ll check and let you know.


We've done some testing on this, and it appears to be fixed internally.  Deadline 2.6 (expected in a few weeks) should have the option to set Enforce Sequential Rendering.

Regarding the Machine Limit, it appears that this is set correctly if you open the Submit to Deadline dialog prior to submitting your partitions.  This is still not ideal.

If you do not open the dialog once, Krakatoa will submit partitions with the default deadline settings, which would leave the Machine Limit setting disabled.  I am looking at this with the Deadline team, to see if we can get Krakatoa to correctly load Deadline settings from the scene without requiring you to manually open/refresh the dialog.

Ok, thanks for looking into this.

2.6 does appear with beta 4 to do the sequential rendering bit, but the machine limit is still not being set at submission. I have to set it to 1 machine in monitor after submission.

Next point on the UI revisiting plan is adding all necessary Deadline controls to the Krakatoa GUI.

Thanks for your patience and continuing support! :o)

Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

Just finished implementing the Deadline rollout in Krakatoa.

Next build, Partition submissions will be completely independent of the SMTD dialog settings, while still using the functionality provided by the Max submitter.

Also, all relevant settings will be stored in a separate Krakatoa INI file so pools, priority etc. will be sticky between sessions but independent from SMTD.


Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg