Magma 2.0 Couple maybe simple things


The view Snap to Grid does not disable and the Align All to grid is that a single function or a constant, I can’t tell if that work because I am always snapped to Grid :smiley:

Also, Bobo you added the grid scaling, how do you access it?

When adding a new output node it just adds to the current selection of nodes, this seems odd to me. Would it be possible to have the option whenever creating an new output node the current selection could be destroyed and only the new output node be selected giving you immediate access to its parameters?

Snap To Grid is a mode and it works. When checked, if you move a node, it will snap to the closest grid point. In Magma 1.x, it would always snap to the upper left one. In Magma 2, it snaps to the closest one of the 4.
The Align All To Grid is an Action. When you have nodes that are placed with Snap To Grid OFF or with the Auto-Reordering (which does not snap right now), it moves each node to the closest snap point.

Right now, when REORDER mode is on, Snap is ignored.
This is because the Reordering does not order the nodes according to the grid but according to the node size and Node X/Y distances. So if you would then drag one node, it would snap somewhere and the whole flow could get out of sync. I should probably fix Auto-Reordering to respect the grid spacing and snap correctly and then enable Snapping in REORDER and FREE modes.

In the Display Options rollout that is always visible in the “command panel” of MagmaFlow, look for Grid X and Grid Y Spacing.
The bad news - right now it is only sticky for the current modifier. If you add a new one, it will be back to 10x10. I have every intention to fix this too (possibly by adding buttons to set the Default values for new modifiers next to each control).

Yep, this needs fixing. Thanks for reminding me. There is no good reason for collecting these in the selection, only the last created should be selected.
EDIT: 2 minutes later, it is fixed internally :slight_smile:

Oh, I was trying to turn snap to grid off, only out of curiosity.

Ahhh the Display rollout, thank you! I like this!

Your welcome. It was leaving me a little puzzled at first, I had created a new output and the params were not showing, which I thought was a bug, then I had noticed another node was selected!

I fixed the Display Options to allow for Global Settings - a [>>] next to each spinner provides a menu with items to store the current settings as defaults for all future KCMs, restore the default value stored on disk for the current modifier, or reset the default to factory default value (e.g. Grid of 10).
Also fixed the Grid color which was resetting itself to gray because it was dependent on the Max background. This is a bit tricky because I wanted it to change if you switch the Max UI between Dark and Light themes. So now I check whether the color value difference between the current color and the Max background color is greater than a certain threshold and update the color only if it is too different. This way, I hope that a bright background will be switched to the dark Max background when necessary, but I have to play with it and test it.

On a related note, I managed to get old KCMs to convert seamlessly to new Magma modifiers on MAX file loading. All controllers, maps, BLOPS, instanced modifiers etc. are preserved. Won’t roll this out just yet, there is one feature of Magma that is not in 2.0 yet and I will have to wait for it before we retire the old MagmaFlow editor and its KCMs.

all of [>>] menus are great. Very useful.

hehe funny you mention that, I was considering whipping up a dark UI scheme just because Josef (Spacefrog) built a dark scheme of the scintilla editor that looked cool and possibly a little more pleasing and less stressful to my eyes. Hard to switch after so many years of being used to the light ui scheme.

Nice! I have a bunch “old” KCM setups, mostly simple but would be nice to not have to rebuild them all :slight_smile:

I am still shocked at the coolness factor of MXS import/export :ugeek: