Magma Flow window won't display properly in Windows 10

No, you have not edited the MAXScript file correctly.

In my post, you should click the SELECT ALL link to select ALL the text (it is MUCH longer than what shows up in the preview!!! - scroll it to see all code.)
Then you must replace the WHOLE event handler, from the opening bracket to the closing one on line 12346.
Save. Open Magma. See if you will get a command panel on the left.

Hi Bobo, sorry about the mix up with the script. I did it correctly this time and now it works!

The command panels shows up on the left now. The node depot still won’t display on the bottom but it works on the left. Output nodes still disappear from view unless undocked.

Thanks again for your help on this!! Please keep me posted if you find a better solution.

Basically I suspect that the size of the Node Control exceeds 1.5 to 2x the size of the actual Magma window - the value returned as the size of the window in pixels is probably off by the scaling factor of the OS.

So the next thing I will try is to give you a scaling factor that resizes the actual node control to a user-defined fraction. For example, if the MAXScript rollout has a width of 800 pixels, but the Node Control believes it must be 1600 pixels, using a factor of 0.5 would scale the Node Control to fit correctly. (This should be done at the C++ level once we are done fixing this, but with a MAXScript hack we can explore what the values really are, and provide a temporary work around).

So, in the same place of the script, modify the first few lines of the event handler to look like this:

		on MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout resized val do 
			local theFactor = 0.5
			hc.width = (val.x*theFactor)-182
			hc.height = (val.y*theFactor)-18

This will scale the node control to half of its size. If it gets too small, try changing theFactor to 0.75 and see what number will make it fit so that both the Nodes Depot and the Outputs dock correctly at the bottom and the right side…

Thanks Bobo! The script helped to get the depot to display on the bottom. The only issue now is some weird window scaling and the depot rollouts go sideways now:

So the interface looks a little funny now but at least it’s functional. Thanks again and please keep me posted on what else you find.

You should definitely try 0.66 and see if it fits the UI better. It would be equivalent to dividing by 1.5.
If it is still too small, try 0.75.

As for the depot, you just selected the wrong mode. The default mode is “Depot At Bottom - Rollup”, not “Depot At Bottom” (which expands the nodes horizontally, as you discovered).

Thanks again for you help Bobo!! A value of.68 made the UI fit better and you’re right, I had the wrong depot rollout mode selected.

Hi Jim,

We have a possible C++ fix for your problem.
To test it, you will have to

  • Download the attached zip file (4.74 MB)
  • Rename the original MaxKrakatoa.dlr file to MaxKrakatoa.old in your C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Krakatoa MX\3dsMax2015 folder (might need to change permissions to modify the file)
  • Copy the MaxKrakatoa.dlr file from the zip into the folder.
  • Edit the MAXScript to set theFactor = 1.0 so it does not apply any scaling at MAXScript level.
  • Launch 3ds Max and see if the Magma editor looks ok (you might want to switch the command panel to the right side again, too).

Please let us know if this changes anything… If it does not work, close Max, delete the new DLR file and rename the OLD to DLR again.

Hi Bobo, thanks again… I followed your instructions and everything looks good. The only thing is that I tried changing the script to put the command panel on the right but it didn’t work. Please see the screen grab. I highlighted the area of the script that I changed. Please let me know if I missed something. This is a minor issue though since otherwise it seems to work fine now.

You really missed something :slight_smile:
You should have changed the leftCommandPanel variable to False. Now you have a variable rightCommandPanel which is set to True, but then it still puts the command panel on the left side. Change its value to False and it should work.

Thanks Bobo, it figures I missed something - I know very little about Maxscript! I fixed those lines and now it works fine. Thanks again!!