Hi Jim,
This is a quick and dirty hack, but I hope it might help you in the mean time while we are figuring out what is going on with the 4K resolution.
*You will need Administrator privileges to edit the content of the \Scripts folder of the Krakatoa installation.
*Locate the file called “Krakatoa_MagmaFlow.ms”
*Set the file’s Properties>Security to allow full access to your User account.
*Make a backup copy to be safe.
*Open the file “Krakatoa_MagmaFlow.ms” in the MAXScript editor.
*Search for the line "on MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout resized val do " - should be around line 12314…
*Replace the whole event handler with the following code
[code] on MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout resized val do
hc.width = val.x-182
hc.height = val.y-18
prg_bar.pos = [val.x-178,val.y-31]
btn_RecorderToStart.pos = [val.x-178,val.y-56]
btn_RecorderBackOneStep.pos = [val.x-178+25,val.y-56]
chk_RecorderPlay.pos = [val.x-178+25*2,val.y-56]
btn_RecorderForwardOneStep.pos = [val.x-178+25*3,val.y-56]
btn_RecorderToEnd.pos = [val.x-178+25*4,val.y-56]
btn_RecorderClose.pos = [val.x-178+25*5,val.y-56]
leftCommandPanel = true
if leftCommandPanel then
hc.pos = [180,0]
NodePropsSR.pos = [0,21]
NodePropsSR.height = val.y-20-100
bmp_navigator.pos = [0,val.y-100]
btn_updateModifier.pos = [62,1]
btn_Undo.pos = [val.x-78,val.y-18]
btn_Redo.pos = [val.x-39,val.y-18]
edt_log.width = val.x-98
prg_swatch.pos = [179,val.y-18]
prg_errorswatch.pos = [189,val.y-18]
edt_log.pos = [200,val.y-18]
hc.pos = [0,0]
NodePropsSR.pos = [val.x-180,21]
NodePropsSR.height = val.y-20-100
bmp_navigator.pos = [val.x-180,val.y-100]
btn_updateModifier.pos = [val.x-118,1]
btn_Undo.pos = [val.x-78-180,val.y-18]
btn_Redo.pos = [val.x-39-180,val.y-18]
edt_log.width = val.x-176-80-22
prg_swatch.pos = [-1,val.y-18]
prg_errorswatch.pos = [9,val.y-18]
edt_log.pos = [20,val.y-18]
drawDepot init:false lock:true
if val.x > 100 and val.y > 100 do
setIniSetting (theIniFileLocation +"MagmaFlowEditor_Preferences.ini") "Editor" "Size" (val as string)
MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout.autoReorderFlow createUndo:false
--if AutoZoomExtents do MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout.zoomExtents createUndo:false
if val.y > 50 do
MagmaFlowEditor_Functions.setEditorProperty magma "DialogSize" val
updateNavigator fullUpdate:false
*Save the modified file.
*Open the Magma Editor
Since we added the variable leftCommandPanel and set it to true, the node properties should now appear on the left side of the window. With floating output nodes and the command panel on the left, you might be able to do some Magma editing until we figure out the issue.
Changing the variable to false will return the command panel to the right side. We could expose it to the UI eventually, but for now it should be enough of a hack to get you going…