Magma "Put to MEdit" Doesn't work w/ Slate

Minor but when using an input texture:

  1. click to add map
  2. select a map
  3. click Put to Medit
  4. Result: Slate opens but no map is present in the Active View

I have never used Slate in my life, so of course I missed that.
But the map is added to the current sample slot. All you have to do is double-click that, and then double-click the resulting node.

I will see if I can do that via MAXScript. I have begged for better MAXScript exposure of the Slate system for years, then I gave up.
EDIT: I failed to find a way to load a node in the parameters editor of the Slate. I might be missing something, or it might be impossible.

Would it be acceptable if pressing that button would switch to the Old Material Editor instead?

You must have used it at least once! You told me how the silly drag-n-drop mat to object worked :slight_smile:

Just logging it. since slate opened when I clicked the button, I just expected it to appear in the active view. I guess just
don’t open the slate mat editor unless you can get the mat to the view. Or throw a dialog that asks if you want to open in standard medit if slate is active. i didn’t know if it was just an oversight or something else.

What ever you think is best/easiest is fine by me.

I guess more of us need to campaign for more mxs access?! isn’t slate framework supposedly going ui wide eventually?

That’s because I watched the new feature videos posted on the Max Beta back then :wink:

I will look for a work around, otherwise will simply switch to old-style editor and expose an option not to in the Preferences.

Going to slate framework is not the same as providing MXS access. I told them to do MXS access first, they said they will do SDK access first. I think the SDK is out, and of course nobody is using it. If it was MXS, I could have switched Magma to it (no, I kid, I wouldn’t :laughing: )