magma switch bug

just wanted to try creating a switch operator (after watching webinar :slight_smile: in already working flow i had…

but i got following error:

MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
– Runtime error: Magma Reference To Deleted Node:
ID: 12

and this line is highlighted

if (magma.getNodeProperty theConnection[1] “Internal_BranchCollapsed”) != true do --AND (magma.getNodeProperty theConnection[1] “Collapsed”) != true do

max 2011, win7 x64, kraka 2.02.46508

I wasn’t using 2.0.2 in the demo :slight_smile:

That being said, I am not aware of this bug. Can you post a simple scene with the original flow and tell me where to insert the Switch so I can reproduce it? Please make sure this is a reproducible bug first, and not something that happened just once (the error shows that some node that used to exist is not there anymore).