Magma Wish List - Update Curve Node

The curve node is a powerful way to get interesting distributions, but could we get some spinners to have an easy “Fit” type node as an upgrade?

Input Min :
Input Max :
Output Min :
Output Max :

With these we could very easily do things like plug the Velocity into the node and normalize those values in a nicely distributed way with lots of control.

Since we already have the Min. and Max. X for input, I assume you are just asking for the same type of controls for the output?
Sounds like a good idea, will log it as a Wish.

Of course you could wire a BLOP that does this, but it would require a few additional nodes…

Here is an example BLOP with Min and Max Output controls.
In the latest versions of Krakatoa, we support the exposure of BLOP sub-nodes in the BLOP’s UI, so when you create and select a CurveMinMax, the spinners for the output scaling and the button to open the Curve Editor are all part of its controls. (976 Bytes)