MagmaFlow Editor Help

Hello, So after experimenting with the MagmaFlow Editor I have not been able to figure out how to get particles to be red when they are spawned and then transition to blue. I got an almost good result by editing the color by velocity chart to make it color by age. In the first 30 frames the emission particles are red like they should be, and then transition to blue. However after frame 31 the particles start getting waves of red starting from the top and ending at the bottom.

So I know its properly something really simple but if anyone could help me out that would be awesome. Also, if anyone has a good tutorial on this editor, could I please have a link? This editor seems very confusing and I have not found any tutorials on it besides the one tutorial I found on the Thinkbox website.

The unfortunate thing about Age, is that it is in integer ticks (1/2400 of a second) instead of anything useful. That means you need to convert it to a float value. Typically you would also divide by the Lifespan channel to get a value that moves from 0 at birth time, to 1 at death time. Here’s a screen shot of the Magma flow I used.


That being said, here’s a tutorial that does exactly what you want: