MagmaFlow OP:Curve


dont know if you know that but the undo funtion in the magmaflow editor wont work with changes in the curve within the curve operator.

BTW: how to open the OP:curve floating editor? Do not find it out…



Actually, due to the nature of the changes (each edit affects the paramblock of the MagmaFlow directly), the Curve edits are handled by the Max Undo Buffer. For example, if you open the Curve Editor of a Curve node, add a Point to the curve, change it to Bezier, adjust its Tangent and Move the point around, you will get in the Max Undo Buffer the following: “Insert Points”, “Change Type”, “Adjust Tangents”, “Move Points”. If you use the Max Undo icons or CTRL+Z / CTRL+Y while the Curve Editor has focus, the changes will be undone and redone, but this does not affect the MagmaFlow Editor at all which has its own Undo history and the editing of the Curve is not part of it.

I know this is kind of confusing, but it was the only way it could be implemented.

I am not sure what you mean with “How to open the curve editor”, there is an “Open Curve Editor…” button in the operator and you must have used it to discover that the Undo is funky… Can you explain?

Hi Bobo,

Thanks for your description.
sorry, I was on a machine with the older Krakatoa for the curve-editor-open-button. There isnt one, right?

I don’t understand.

In Krakatoa 1.6.x and earlier, the curve is built into the command panel of the MagmaFlow Editor.
In Krakatoa MX 2.0.x, there is a curve display in the command panel, and an open button above it to open a floating curve editor.

Always post the version number you are using, and screenshots of what you are seeing when in doubt.
Are you saying you are running KMX2 and there is NO button to open the curve editor?