Hi Everybody I am new to this forums and to Deadline, it is a great tool. I hope somebody can help me with a problem I am having:
I am setting up my repository to map the windows drive before the rendering process starts using the “Mapped Drive Setup” and It works perfectly. I have a “renders storage” computer so all renders from the other computers will be saved there. However last night I had a power failure and the render storage PC didn’t boot at all, and the other computers tried to map the drive and even though they failed they still “rendered” ( obviously none of the renders were saved to disk ) and I trusted the monitor that everything was rendering ok. I don’t find that very useful.
Is there an option to tell deadline that if a computer fails mapping the drivers, then don’t render. Or maybe I’m doing something wrong.
Thanks in advance!
You’re not doing anything wrong. Currently, it’s by design that the render is allowed to continue if the mapping of the drive fails, since the job would likely fail anyways when it can’t write out the frames. However, we agree that there should be an option to fail the render if the mapping fails. We’ve added this to the todo list for the next release.
Thanks Ryan,
What do you mean by “since the job would likely fail anyways when it can’t write out the frames”? In my case it says “completed” even though It couldn’t write to disk.
What you said makes sense to me: if the task fails and deadline just passes that frame to another computer, but it is not. By the way I’m rendering with 3delight within Maya, maybe a 3Delight specific issue?
Thank you very much!
It could be. Our Maya plugin is configured to look for certain error messages printed out by Maya, and then fail the render as appropriate. It’s likely that 3delight is outputting something that Deadline doesn’t recognize yet. If you can send us a log from a task that completed in this case, we can take a look. You can find the job logs by right-clicking on it in the Monitor and selecting Job Reports → View Log Reports.
Hi Ryan,
Here it is my code. Note that I unplugged R:\ on purpose to do this test. Even though deadline failed to map R:, it rendered the frames and completed the job.
Deadline mapped succesfully z:\ an y:\ in this test.
Log Message
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 87
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Enforcing 64 bit build of Maya
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2010\bin\Render.exe”
0: INFO: Rendering to network drive
0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2010.0
0: INFO: Rendering with 3delight.
0: INFO: Render Argument: -r 3delight -cpus 0 -s 87 -e 87 -inc 1 -proj “Y:/3dlighttest” “C:\Users\renderfarm\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\jobsData\to_render.mb”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2010\bin”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: STDOUT: Starting “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2010\bin\mayabatch.exe”
0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya 2010
0: STDOUT: mental ray: version, Jun 17 2009, revision 88216
0: STDOUT: File read in 0 seconds.
0: STDOUT: File read in 0 seconds.
0: STDOUT: File read in 0 seconds.
0: STDOUT: Result: Z:/suitcase.mb
0: STDOUT: Rendering scene with render pass:beauty and layer:defaultRenderLayer
0: STDOUT: Building Shaders
0: STDOUT: Compiling shader for directionalLightShape1 :shaderdl -DUSE_AOV_rgba -DUSE_AOV__color -DUSE_AOV__occ -DSHADER_TYPE_light --embed-source -I “C:/3Delight/maya/rsl/” -o “Y:/3dlighttest/3delight/to_render/shaders/OBJ/directionalLightShape1.sdl” “Y:/3dlighttest/3delight/to_render/shaders/src/directionalLightShape1.sl” 2>&1
0: STDOUT: Hypershade shaders built in 0.17s
0: STDOUT: Rendering Scene
0: STDOUT: Building Shaders
0: STDOUT: Compiling shader for directionalLightShape1 :shaderdl -DUSE_AOV_rgba -DSHADER_TYPE_light --embed-source -I “C:/3Delight/maya/rsl/” -o “Y:/3dlighttest/3delight/to_render/shaders/OBJ/directionalLightShape1.sdl” “Y:/3dlighttest/3delight/to_render/shaders/src/directionalLightShape1.sl” 2>&1
0: STDOUT: Hypershade shaders built in 0.18s
0: STDOUT: Rendering Scene
0: STDOUT: Frame 87: caching geometry:
0: STDOUT: …
0: STDOUT: Scene cached for RIB output in 0.11s
0: STDOUT: Geometry shader archives output in 0.02s
0: STDOUT: Attribs node archives output in 0s
0: STDOUT: Geometry archives output in 0.01s
0: STDOUT: RIB options output in 0s
0: STDOUT: Frame 87: rendering displays: R:/occ0087.tiff
0: STDOUT: Frame 87: rendering displays
0: STDOUT: World output (for frame 87) in 0.04s
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR R2076: cannot create file ‘R:/ABIEL_occ_0087.ptc’ for baking (system error: Invalid argument) (in shader ‘Z:/bake_occ’ on object ‘|Abiel:ABIEL_MAIN_NODE|Abiel:ABIEL_MESH|Abiel:ABIEL_MESHShape’)
0: STDOUT: Rendered in 1.22s
0: STDOUT: Frame 87 output in 1.28s
0: STDOUT: Frame 87: done
0: STDOUT: All RIB output completed in 1.43s
0: STDOUT: Frame 87: caching geometry:
0: STDOUT: …Scene cached for RIB output in 0.18s
0: STDOUT: Geometry shader archives output in 0.05s
0: STDOUT: Attribs node archives output in 0s
0: STDOUT: Geometry archives output in 0.01s
0: STDOUT: RIB options output in 0s
0: STDOUT: Frame 87: rendering displays: R:/ABIEL_beauty_0087.tiff R:/ABIEL_color_0087.tiff Y:/abielshader_test/ABIEL_occ_0087.tiff
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR D2004: failed to open display driver ‘tiff’ (display driver returned ‘4’)
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR D2094: failed to open display driver ‘tiff’ (display driver returned with a null handle)
0: STDOUT: Frame 87: rendering displays
0: STDOUT: World output (for frame 87) in 0.06s
0: STDOUT: 3DL ERROR T2373: cannot read 3D texture file ‘R:/ABIEL_occ_0087.ptc’ (Invalid argument) (in shader ‘Z:/ABIEL_surface’ on object ‘|Abiel:ABIEL_MAIN_NODE|Abiel:ABIEL_MESH|Abiel:ABIEL_MESHShape’)
0: STDOUT: TIFFOpen: R:/ABIEL_beauty_0087.tiff: Cannot open.
0: STDOUT: dspy_tiff: cannot open output file ‘R:/ABIEL_beauty_0087.tiff’ (system error: No error)
0: STDOUT: TIFFOpen: R:/ABIEL_color_0087.tiff: Cannot open.
0: STDOUT: dspy_tiff: cannot open output file ‘R:/ABIEL_color_0087.tiff’ (system error: No error)
0: STDOUT: Rendered in 5.05s
0: STDOUT: Frame 87 output in 5.14s
0: STDOUT: Frame 87: done
0: STDOUT: All RIB output completed in 8.77s
0: STDOUT: Scene C:\Users\renderfarm\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\jobsData\to_render.mb completed.
0: STDOUT: // 3Delight for Maya loaded, using 3Delight 9.0.69 win64 (Oct 13 2010) “The Barbarian”
0: INFO: Process exit code: 0
Log Details
Log Date/Time = Mar 05/12 11:24:07
Frames = 87-87
Slave Machine = Render03
Slave Version = v5.0.0.44528 R
Plugin Name = MayaCmd[/code]
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the log! I can see that 3delight prefixes all its error messages with the following:
What we could do is watch for “3DL ERROR” and then fail the job whenever it is detected. Do you think that would be okay? In other words, can you think of a case where there be a “3DL ERROR” message that wouldn’t be fatal to the render?
If you want to test catching the “3DL ERROR” error, just zip up and send us the following two files. We’ll make the changes and post the new files for you to test:
Hi Ryan,
There shouldn’t be “3DL errors” in a 3Delight render. However I have been in some situations where I got some errors from the renderer when using some functions incorrectly, but the render worked. But has just happened just once or twice to me.
So I don’t think there would be a problem. Let’s test it and I will let know if some day in the future I find another exception. I’m attaching the plugins.
Thanks in advance.
plugins.zip (18.6 KB)
Sounds good! Here are the updated plugin files. Just back up the originals and replace them with these new ones.
Let us know if you have any problems with them. If they work well, we’ll likely include in 3DL ERROR checks in the next Deadline release.