AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Massive trouble rendering Krakatoa scenes (since Beta6)

Not sure if this is really a new bug in Beta6 but the problems started to appear only after the upgrade to (which we did in the night before Nov., 1st).
We’re working on a project with fairly heavy PRT caches - sometimes up to 3 GB per frame. Until Friday (i.e. before the update) we did not experience any issues. Starting Saturday, quite a few tasks of Krakatoa jobs (V-Ray and Nuke jobs still render fine) began to restart in the middle of rendering a frame. And apparently this has been going on more or less endlessly (we only noticed around noon the next day). As it looks right now, there’s no pattern to this, it seems completely random to us. There are also no error messages, it’s just that a task doesn’t finish and then starts from 0 again. First we thought that it might be related to the 3ds max scene file so we were checking those. But they’re all fine and actually even rendered fine locally on the artist’s machine while the same setup was still failing on the farm. As we couldn’t find the issue we re-activated Backburner - sorry! :wink: - on a few machines to render those scenes and they all went through absolutely fine. The only hint is that it seemed like there were update problems of those affected tasks/slaves as the info for the task was sometimes disappearing for a few seconds in the Tasks panel and then appearing again.
Attached are the Pulse logs from 2014-11-01 and 2014-11-02, the problem started with the Krakatoa jobs submitted in the evening of Nov. 1st. I’m not sure which other log files to send you as i can’t exactly tell right now which Slaves were affected. There aren’t any job/task specific logs, are there?

Holger (2.63 MB)

So it seems it’s a bigger issue. Just before also a V-Ray job was affected. I attached a screen recording of around 1 min. to show what’s happening in Deadline Monitor.
I also attached logs from 3 of the affected Slaves and Pulse.

Holger (7.88 MB) (719 KB)

See this thread:

It’s a Deadline bug that will be fixed in beta 7.


hi Ryan,

thanks for the info!
So i guess downgrading to beta5 is the solution. Do we need to do this only on the machines or also downgrade the Repository?


You’ll need to downgrade the repository as well. The clients and the repository should always be running the same version.


Just a heads up that beta 7 was released yesterday, and should fix this task requeuing bug.


great! Will try it and keep my fingers crossed :wink:


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