Matte objects not updating
2010 x64 sp1

I’ve got a RFMeshLoader as my matte object. The matte, however, is not updating past the first frame. The renders are going really fast, too, so I don’t think it’s updating the mesh.

  • Chad

OK, weird… network rendered ones are showing the same thing. So it’s either never updating the mesh at all, or it’s loading from the first frame every time.

  • Chad

This is a known issue with that particular object which might have nothing to do with Krakatoa. It has been reported before and IIRC it wasn’t our bug.
Does it work correctly with Scanline?
Does it work correctly when used through the Mesher?
If it does not, it is a validity interval issue Next Limit has to address.
I am not sure if we can do much about it (we might be able to special-case it I assume).

Yeah, I’ll try the mesher.

Seems it was a compound issue.

The BIN thing is messed up, but I’m also getting an issue where Deadline renders didn’t update the PRT Loader culling object correctly. So the particles were never there to begin with.

Local renders cull fine.

The object is just a box, but it seems to be transformed incorrectly for the network renders. All the slaves rendering the job have it incorrectly transformed (but they are at least consistent).

  • Chad

Can you please submit a simple scene that does what you describe?

Yeah… This is odd…

I need to finish the local renders… I’m doing a stereoscopic shot, and the Left and Right renders from the farm aren’t matching, but they do fine when rendered locally, so I have to finish them both up locally, then I’ll try to do some debugging.

  • Chad