Max 2008: Failed to assign process to job object: Access is denied.


I have just installed Deadline and I’m working on a trial license. I’m running the latest version of Deadline (2.7.29178) and I have followed the instructions on this Forum post for adding Max 2008 support:

I found a couple of other posts on this board with similar error messages, but there seems to be no clear way to resolve it (one said to install the latest Max9 patch, another said to log in as Admin) My Windows Vista x64 machines are all logged in with a domain user called “farm”, whom is a member of all of the Admin level groups. Locally on each machine, the domain user “farm” is also set as a local Administrator.

I’ve made sure that everyone has Full Access file permissions to the c:\deadline folder. I get the same error when rendering Max9 jobs and Max 2008 jobs. I’m currently stumped and out of ideas.

Max 9 Job:


0: Loaded job: Test_01 (00a_090_x_3e03d187)

0: INFO: job file: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\00a_090_x_3e03d187.job

0: INFO: Forcing 32 bit version of Max 9

0: INFO: Verifying installation of 3ds max 9 at “C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3dsMax9”

0: INFO: Using 3ds Max user profiles

0: INFO: Network log file: “C:\Users\farm\AppData\Local\Autodesk/3dsmax/9 - 32bit/enu/Network\Max.log”

0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching “.Brazil Console.

0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching “.MSP Acceleration.

0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching “.FumeFX:.

0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching “.FumeFX Dynamics:.

0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching “.VRay authorization.” by hitting the “Cancel” button

0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching “.File Load: Units Mismatch.” by hitting the “Adopt the File’s Unit Scale?;OK” button

0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching “.Frame Rate Change.” by hitting the “OK” button

0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching “.MAXScript Auto-load Script Error.” by hitting the “OK” button

0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching “.Render history settings.” by hitting the “OK;No” button

0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching “.Warning - the software has encountered a problem.” by hitting the “Don’t show me this error again;Continue” button

0: INFO: 3ds max plugin for Deadline 2.7.29178, built Aug 22 2007 14:34:14 R

0: INFO: Using “C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3dsMax9\3dsmax.exe” to render.

0: INFO: LoadMaxTimeout is 1000 seconds

0: INFO: StartJobTimeout is 1000 seconds

0: INFO: ProgressUpdateTimeout is 8000 seconds

0: INFO: FailOnExistingMaxProcess is 0

0: INFO: AlternatePluginIni is “”

0: INFO: Copying over 32 bit lightning file: c:\deadline\slave\plugins\lightningMax9.dlx

0: INFO: Starting 3ds max in slave mode

0: INFO: Silent mode is disabled

0: INFO: Strict 3ds max installation check is enabled

0: INFO: Rendering using default plugin.ini: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3dsMax9\plugin.ini

0: INFO: Also using user profile plugin.ini C:\Users\farm\AppData\Local\Autodesk/3dsmax/9 - 32bit/enu\plugin.ini

0: INFO: 3dsmax command line parameters: " -deadlineSlave -p “C:\Users\farm\AppData\Local\Temp\deadlineplugin_67455796.ini” -q -s “c:\deadline\slave\plugins\deadlineStartupMax9.max”"

Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:

Scheduler Thread - child_process::launch: Failed to assign process “C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3dsMax9\3dsmax.exe” to job object: Access is denied.

Exception Details
RenderPluginException -- child_process::launch: Failed to assign process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3dsMax9\3dsmax.exe" to job object: Access is denied.
RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
Exception.TargetSite: Void StartJob(System.String[])
Exception.Source: DeadlinePluginLoader
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.StartJob(String[] auxiliaryFilenames)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.StartJob(String jobUniqueName, String[] auxiliaryFileNames)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()

Max 2008 Job:
0: Loaded job: Untitled 3ds Max Job (00a_063_x_5dd636e6)
0: INFO: job file: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\00a_063_x_5dd636e6.job
0: INFO: Forcing 64 bit version of 3dsmax
0: INFO: Verifying installation of 3ds max 2008 at "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2008"
0: INFO: Using 3ds Max user profiles
0: INFO: Network log file: "C:\Users\farm\AppData\Local\Autodesk/3dsmax/2008 - 64bit/enu/Network\Max.log"
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching ".*Brazil Console.*"
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching ".*MSP Acceleration.*"
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching ".*FumeFX:.*"
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows matching ".*FumeFX Dynamics:.*"
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*VRay authorization.*" by hitting the "Cancel" button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*File Load: Units Mismatch.*" by hitting the "Adopt the File's Unit Scale?;OK" button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*Frame Rate Change.*" by hitting the "OK" button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*MAXScript Auto-load Script Error.*" by hitting the "OK" button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*Render history settings.*" by hitting the "OK;No" button
0: INFO: Handling popup windows matching ".*Warning - the software has encountered a problem.*" by hitting the "Don't show me this error again;Continue" button
0: INFO: 3ds max plugin for Deadline 2.7.29981, built Oct 29 2007 07:44:07 R
0: INFO: Using "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2008\3dsmax.exe" to render.
0: INFO: LoadMaxTimeout is 4000 seconds
0: INFO: StartJobTimeout is 7200 seconds
0: INFO: ProgressUpdateTimeout is 32000 seconds
0: INFO: FailOnExistingMaxProcess is 1
0: INFO: AlternatePluginIni is ""
0: INFO: Copying over 64 bit lightning file: c:\deadline\slave\plugins\lightning80Max2008.dlx
0: INFO: Checking for existing processes named 3dsmax.exe
0: INFO: Starting 3ds max in slave mode
0: INFO: Silent mode is disabled
0: INFO: Strict 3ds max installation check is enabled
0: INFO: Rendering using default plugin.ini: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2008\plugin.ini
0: INFO: Also using user profile plugin.ini C:\Users\farm\AppData\Local\Autodesk/3dsmax/2008 - 64bit/enu\plugin.ini
0: INFO: 3dsmax command line parameters: " -deadlineSlave -p "C:\Users\farm\AppData\Local\Temp\deadlineplugin_60320609.ini" -q -s "c:\deadline\slave\plugins\deadlineStartupMax2008.max""
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - child_process::launch: Failed to assign process "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2008\3dsmax.exe" to job object: Access is denied.

Exception Details
RenderPluginException -- child_process::launch: Failed to assign process "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2008\3dsmax.exe" to job object: Access is denied.
RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
Exception.TargetSite: Void StartJob(System.String[])
Exception.Source: DeadlinePluginLoader
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.StartJob(String[] auxiliaryFilenames)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.StartJob(String jobUniqueName, String[] auxiliaryFileNames)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()

Any help is appreciated.

--==-- Ray Collett --==--
Technical Director; Newlands & Co. Inc.
503.287.8000 x520

Hi Ray,

This definitely looks like a permissions issue. I found that I could

render just fine on our vista test machine (32 bit) when logged in as a

local admin, but I got the same error you did when logged in as a

network admin. It’s not an issue with the permissions on the Deadline

folders, but with the permissions of the logged in user.

Because of this issue (and others which have crept up while porting to

Linux), we will be moving away from using job objects (a Windows means

of keeping track of process trees) in the next release of Deadline

(which will be the first version of Deadline that is fully supported on



Thanks for getting back to me. I have two questions based on this. 1) When should I expect the next version to be released? 2) What user permissions would I need to apply to my user to make the current version work?

For the second question, I really don’t want to switch all 60 machines (including workstations) to run as the Administrator. All of my machines are connected to a domain (Server 2003) and logged in as a user on that domain. The users currently are members of “Administrators”, “Domain Admins”, and “Domain Users”. I have also added the domain users as a local administrator on each machine.




From: Frantic_Deadline Listmanager []

Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 12:56 PM

Subject: Max 2008: Failed to assign process to job object: Access is denied.

From: “Ryan Russell” (

Hi Ray,

This definitely looks like a permissions issue. I found that I could

render just fine on our vista test machine (32 bit) when logged in as a

local admin, but I got the same error you did when logged in as a

network admin. It’s not an issue with the permissions on the Deadline

folders, but with the permissions of the logged in user.

Because of this issue (and others which have crept up while porting to

Linux), we will be moving away from using job objects (a Windows means

of keeping track of process trees) in the next release of Deadline

(which will be the first version of Deadline that is fully supported on



Hi Ray,

  1. We hope to begin a beta period in the next couple of weeks with

    limited software support (we’re having to rewrite all of our plugins for

    the new multi-platform architecture). The beta period will play a large

    role in determining the final release date, which will include all

    software support that we have now.

  2. I’ve tried playing around with the permissions, but I’m not having

    any luck with anything other than a local admin account. One workaround

    in the case of 3dsmax is to use the 3ds Command plugin to render your

    max jobs:

    But before this will work, you will have to add the following line to

    the \your\repository\plugins\3dsCmd\3dsCmd.dlinit file (after the

    UsePopupHandling=1 line):


    This will disable the use of job objects, and should allow the render to

    start. This isn’t possible with the regular 3dsmax plugin because it

    doesn’t use the script plugin API like the rest of our plugins do. One

    downside to disabling job objects is that if the rendering application

    starts other child processes, there is no way to ensure those processes

    get killed if the render is canceled. This isn’t a big deal with 3dsmax

    because as far as I know, it doesn’t start up any additional child

    processes. With Maya on the other hand, Render.exe starts up

    Mayabatch.exe, so if the job is canceled, Render.exe will get killed,

    but not Mayabatch.exe.
