Hi there - just a quick question.
Is Max 2008 supported with the latest version of Deadline (2.7)? I’ve managed to update the plugins for Maya 2008 and that works, does that mean that an update for Max 2008 is on the books or is there a trick to getting working?
Hi Chris,
You can download Max 2008 support for Deadline 2.7 from this forum thread:
- Ryan
Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software
Now that’s service! Thanks for the quick reply.
One machine however is not working properly, Tt gives me the following error messages:
Error Message
3dsmax startup: Error getting connection from 3dsmax: Dialog popup detected: Title “Maxwell Translation Window”, Message “Verbose Translation”
Slave Log
tching “.Warning - the software has encountered a problem.” by hitting the “Don’t show me this error again;Continue” button
0: INFO: 3ds max plugin for Deadline 2.7.29981, built Oct 29 2007 07:44:07 R
0: INFO: Using “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2008\3dsmax.exe” to render.
0: INFO: LoadMaxTimeout is 4000 seconds
0: INFO: StartJobTimeout is 7200 seconds
0: INFO: ProgressUpdateTimeout is 32000 seconds
0: INFO: FailOnExistingMaxProcess is 1
0: INFO: AlternatePluginIni is “”
0: INFO: Copying over 64 bit lightning file: c:\deadline\slave\plugins\lightning80Max2008.dlx
0: INFO: Checking for existing processes named 3dsmax.exe
0: INFO: Starting 3ds max in slave mode
0: INFO: Silent mode is disabled
0: INFO: Strict 3ds max installation check is enabled
0: INFO: Rendering using default plugin.ini: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2008\plugin.ini
0: INFO: Also using user profile plugin.ini C:\Documents and Settings\visual\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk/3dsmax/2008 - 64bit/enu\plugin.ini
0: INFO: 3dsmax command line parameters: " -deadlineSlave -p “C:\DOCUME~1\visual\LOCALS~1\Temp\deadlineplugin_104790171.ini” -q -s “c:\deadline\slave\plugins\deadlineStartupMax2008.max”"
0: WARNING: Detected popup dialog “Maxwell Translation Window”.
0: WARNING: ---- dump of dialog ----
0: WARNING: Button: Close
0: WARNING: Static: Verbose Translation
0: WARNING: Edit:
0: WARNING: ---- end dump of dialog ----
Exception Details
RenderPluginException – simple_socket: send called while not connected.
RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
Exception.TargetSite: Void EndJob()
Exception.Source: DeadlinePluginLoader
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.EndJob()
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.Dispose()
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - 3dsmax startup: Error getting connection from 3dsmax: Dialog popup detected: Title “Maxwell Translation Window”, Message “Verbose Translation”
Error Type
Error Stack Trace
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.StartJob(String[] auxiliaryFilenames)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.StartJob(String jobUniqueName, String[] auxiliaryFileNames)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()
Any Ideas?
By default, if Deadline detects a pop up dialog, it fails the render.
This is because usually if a dialog pops up during the render, it means
that something has gone wrong. However, based on the type of dialog, it
is possible to have Deadline ignore it, or handle it by pressing the
appropriate button.
In this case, my guess is that this pop up doesn’t affect the actual
rendering, so we can configure the 3dsmax2008 plugin to have Deadline
ignore it. To do so, open up
\your\repository\plugins\3dsmax2008\3dsmax2008.dlinit, and you should
see these settings:
; For Brazil
IgnorePopup0=.Brazil Console.
; For Finalrender
IgnorePopup1=.MSP Acceleration.
; For Fume FX
IgnorePopup3=.FumeFX Dynamics:.
After this, add the following lines:
; For Maxwell
IgnorePopup4=.Maxwell Translation Window.
Now whenever Deadline detects this dialog, it will simply ignore it.
Assuming that this dialog doesn’t actually halt the render, this should
be fine. However, if it turns out that a user needs to press the Close
button before the render can continue, we’ll have to add a pop up
handler. If this is the case, remove the IgnorePopup4 setting you just
added, then find these settings:
; Handle Crash dialog
HandlePopup5=.Warning - the software has encountered a problem.
HandlePopupResponse5=Don’t show me this error again;Continue
After this, add the following lines:
; Handle Maxwell dialog
HandlePopup6=.Maxwell Translation Window.
Now whenever Deadline detects this dialog, it will handle it by pressing
the Close button.
Let us know if one of these possible solutions works, and we’ll update
our internal 3dsmax plugin so that the fix is included in the next release.
- Ryan
Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software
Thanks again Russell,
I tried your first suggestion and it worked just fine. I didn't test the other solutions but I can if you would like?
I might add that of the 2 machines, the one that had Maxwell Studio installed on it was not working.
The other machine (that was working, and that the file was created on) does not have Maxwell installs at all.
Thanks again!
Kind Regards
Cool, glad to hear it’s working. Don’t worry about testing the second
solution, as it looks like the first one will work just fine.
- Ryan