I just started using max 2009 (i know I’m a bit behind ) When using 2008 I would always copy the bitmaps to the folder the scene is located in, especially when recieving a file from someone else. This always ensured that max knew where textures were. 2008 and Deadline worked fine. However under 2009 the scene path is no longer used. I double checked and max 2009 is still able to use the scene path (I opened the file manually and rendered), but under deadline it is not. Is there a reason 2009+deadline doesn’t use the scene path?
Oh and I just wanted to say how helpful you guys have been. I’m almost certainly going to purchase and big part of that decision has been the support.
Normally, a copy of the Max file is saved and sent to the Repository folder and then copied over to the slaves for rendering. So having bitmaps at the ORIGINAL location of the Max file would typically not work unless you have specifically set up the submitter to use the Max file from the network location without copying it to the Repository. This should not depend on what version of Max you are running, but on what settings you have checked in the submitter. Make sure your settings in 2009 are the same as in 2008 and I would expect that you would see the same behavior.
Sorry should have been more specific. I have changed that option so that the file isn’t copied to the repository.
I have also discovered something. It’s not all textures…its only if the filename (including path) have an underscore or space. For one project the directory had an underscore in it and no textures at all rendered. I did a test and removed the underscore and all the textures appeared. Again this only happens with deadline, max 2009 by itself has no problem with directories with underscores.
That’s an interesting problem, especially considering that the only difference between our max 2008 and 2009 support is that we respect the locked viewport option in 2009 (because autodesk finally exposed these options to maxscript and the max sdk). We’ll try to reproduce here and see if we can figure out what’s going on.