Max exporter and decayRadius

When I increase the decayRadius of a light, the Flux goes down. Expected?
I actually don’t see anything in the LightSource attributes that would otherwise encode the decayRadius, but it seems odd since the Flux also has to represent the mulitplier and rgb.

  • Chad

EDIT: Not a bug, but I do think it’s strange that the light is described as Flux, so you multiply the color and multiplier and such out, but for the density you write out DensityPerParticle and DensityExponent, LightingDensityPerParticle and LightingDensityExponent, EmissionStrength and EmissionStrengthExponent, etc. If the Exponent is optional, and defaults to 1, then sure, we’re fine, but I guess that means you should have a Multiplier for the light that defaults to 1, too, right? Yes, this is nitpicking and such. :slight_smile:

If I remember correctly, this was Mark Wiebe’s decision. The Max lights did not behave that way, and he wanted conservation of energy so if you change the radius, the core gets hotter… I suspect it was inspired by Renderman specs, but I could be wrong.

But in MX, as you increase the decasRadius, the illumination increases. But with SR (at least for the export, as I said, you don’t see anything BUT Flux changing) the Flux goes down.

  • Chad

Yes, because the same energy is distributed in a larger sphere. As I said, it is attempting to preserve energy. If you make the radius infinitely small, you will get a Big Bang :wink:
My KSR export code is replicating the code KMX uses internally when reading parameters from Max Lights. I did not come up with it, I just tried to match it so if you render a Max scene with KMX or KSR, you would get the same behavior. Obviously, in your own exporter you can do whatever you want and increase the Flux as the decayRadius increases. Krakatoa SR just renders based on the Flux, how you export it is up to you.