Max Spot instance count exceeded?

I was able to create a spotfleet of one rendernode however it failed during the rendering process. I have created a thread about this here.

However when i try to create too many rendernode instances i receive this error:

Repeated errors have occurred processing the launch specification “g3.16xlarge, ami-0d8b37f4fee36d824, Linux/UNIX, ca-central-1b while launching spot instance”. It will not be retried for at least 13 minutes. Error message: Max spot instance count exceeded (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: MaxSpotInstanceCountExceeded; Proxy: null)

Some information:

I requested maya 2020 redshift, with the gpu preset for the rendernodes.

Basically you’ve hit the limit of EC2 instances you’re allowed to request for your account.

You can increase that limit by going here - and following those steps.