Maxon Cinema4D C4D R21

All the installers are now available online including the linux CLR

Just waiting for licenses now, it does come with a 14day trial, and an updated license server (linux too) which also included web interface. (Doesn’t work on Server2012R2)

The installer now goes into a new location
C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D R21
instead of
C:\Program Files\MAXON\Cinema 4D R21

and it doesn’t create the plugins folder.

I’ve tried created the folder and adding the pyp script and so far it works, just need to get a license to try it out.

Will modify the plugin folder script and add this to Cinema4D.param / Cinema4DBatch.param

Label=C4D 21 Executable
Category=Render Executables
Default=C:\Program Files\Maxon CINEMA 4D R21\Commandline.exe;/Applications/MAXON/CINEMA 4D R21/;C:\Program Files\Maxon CINEMA 4D R21\CINEMA 4D 64 Bit.exe;C:\Program Files\Maxon CINEMA 4D R21\CINEMA 4D.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxon CINEMA 4D R21\CINEMA 4D.exe;/Applications/Maxon CINEMA 4D R21/CINEMA 4D;/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21.022/bin/c4d_clr
Description=The path to the Cinema 4D executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.


Agreed due to the new R21 install location can we have this standardised?

Error: Cinema 4D startup: Error getting connection from Cinema4D: Monitored managed process “Cinema4DProcess” has exited or been terminated.
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.StartJob(String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)

That is waht I’m getting so not working at the moment.

Any updates or ideas for support for cinema r21?

I can’t share where the dev team is on this at the moment, but @Justin_B spent some time digging into that for a customer. It’ll be helpful to have a full job report (cut out the file names and job names) and also try making the change to the Cinema4D.param then try submitting the job with batch mode disabled.

I’m hoping logs from both will give some new information for the developers to use.

Some customers have been running into issues when Deadline is launching Commandline.exe with R21. Maxons new licensing implementation has made it so licensing credentials need to be specified.

If you run Commandline.exe from cmd or terminal on the Worker and enter the credentials they will be saved for the machine. Your next attempts should not ask for the credentials and this should allow you to submit through Deadline.

It may not be an option for some facilities, but we got the Cinema 4D r21 RLM server access and it works a whole lot better than their house-built login-only license server.

I’ll try out C4D21 on deadline soon to see what happens.

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Hey guys,

This is not an official release yet but you can give these a try and let us know how it goes.

Installation steps:


These changes won’t affect jobs currently rendering as Deadline has already made a local copy of the plugin for itself. If Workers pick up a new job, they will take the new changes.

Make a backup of the following folders:

  • [repo]\plugins\Cinema4D\
  • [repo]\plugins\Cinema4DBatch\
  • [repo]\submission\Cinema4D\

Copy the files in place

Extract the following three zip files to the same folder, and copy the contents from into the correct folders (you may be able to guess from the names in the zip files :slight_smile: ). For example the folder for the submitter extracted to:


Inside this folder I have the same “Client” and “Main” folders as we do in the Repository:

You’ll want to copy this into “[repo]\submission\Cinema4D” and do the same for the other two zip files.


Re-open Cinema 4D to load the new submitter and submit a new job. Deadline will pick up the plugin changes as soon as the Worker transitions over to a new C4D job.

Just tried this out, doesn’t seem to be working. The workers pickup and it all seems okay but they just sit there with the task and don’t ever finish. Are there any extra steps?

We still have should we update to the latest for this to work?

Any updates on this? Please?

Hey @MarioD and @noblerot!

Can you remote into the worker? We’ve heard the first run of R21 will demand that you verify your license. I haven’t seen it myself but from what I’ve heard it’s pretty clear what needs to be done.

@MarioD - It’s still not out in the latest 10.1 release, but if you need R21 you might want to consider upgrading once full support is in.

Yes, this is a bit stupid, if I have 300 nodes I’ll need to go and do this on all of them… I’ve posted this on the C4D Beta, curious to what they’ll say.

I’ve noticed that some stuff changed on the latest versions. Should I be aware of of anything specific when updating? We are still using Deadline Client Version: Release (e0d42871d)

Maya and C4D


Is this the beta website
or is there a different beta site?

We still run Deadline, i manually added the plugin paths for R21 and started the C4D - commandline.exe by hand once on each node to enter the license server…
works perfectly fine.

only downside:
when using a custom sanity check which is pretty simple actually (only checks if the render camera name is the default “Camera” to prevent submitting a job which renders the wrong view)…
it crashes the R21 completely when sanity check has run (no matter if it returned True or False)
the script ran flawlessly on R19…

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This might help you out with getting C4D licenses working across the board.