Maxwell Plugin Merge Job Failed for incorrect reason

Maxwell Render 3.2.1 Monitor submission merge job fails for incorrect reason.
Win server 2008 R2 x64
Deadline Version: R (8d27fcaf8)
FranticX Version: R (be7e2c3ac)

2016-04-13 04:28:31: 0: STDOUT: [INFO]: Merging mxi files in \\server\Render\Maxwell\EMP3d\MX3\Tests\A3_test_SL20.mxi 2016-04-13 04:28:31: 0: STDOUT: ... 2016-04-13 04:28:31: 0: STDOUT: [INFO]: MXI Successfully Merged 2016-04-13 04:28:31: 0: STDOUT: [INFO]: Generating "\\server\Render\Maxwell\EMP3d\MX3\Tests\A3_test_SL20.png" 2016-04-13 04:28:31: 0: STDOUT: ... 2016-04-13 04:28:31: 0: STDOUT: Extracting channels... 2016-04-13 04:28:31: 0: STDOUT: [INFO]: Image successfully written! 2016-04-13 04:28:32: 0: INFO: Process exit code: 0 2016-04-13 04:28:32: 0: INFO: Deleting intermediate files 2016-04-13 04:28:32: 0: INFO: Deleting \\server\Render\Maxwell\EMP3d\MX3\Tests\A3_test_SL20_s0001.mxi 2016-04-13 04:28:33: 0: An exception occurred: Error: The process cannot access the file '\\server\Render\Maxwell\EMP3d\MX3\Tests\A3_test_SL20_s0001.mxi' because it is being used by another process. (System.IO.IOException)
This fails the job despite the mxi files being merged correctly and the rendered files being written to output location correctly. Needs exception clause for this type of error when intermediate files are not deleted. Should not cause the job to fail.
I would presume that any type of plugin job would also fail for the same reason, if intermediate files are used during the render process.

Not tested in V8 beta yet.


Well, the plugin is going to die for any uncaught exception (in fact, that’s how we cancel tasks!).

I agree that not being able to delete a file shouldn’t count as a render error. I’ll open an issue here to get that fixed. I think wrapping a try/except block around the delete we do inside of “DeleteSeedOutputFile” ought to do it.

Looks like that fix is coming in 8.0. Mike got it in on Friday.