AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Maxwell Render V3 Extra Sampling 7.1

Deadline Version: R (ff16c92b9)
FranticX Version: R (550f9fdde)
Maxwell Render Version: 3.1 Public

As previously in V7.0 public, the render progress bar in the monitor and the slave status % are reaching 100% when the global sample level is reached and are not accounting for Extra Sampling level when it is turned on.

When a job is added to reach Sample Level 10 and an Extra Sampling level of 20, the progress bars show 100% at SL10, not at SL20 as expected. Actual displayed % for Sample level progress on reaching SL20 is 200%

Perhaps the progress bars need resetting when the global Sample Level value is reached, so they hold true for the remaining SL value.
Or the whole job is accounted for by using the Extra Sampling value for the progress, as this will always be higher than the global Sample Level.

Problem is valid for Co-operative and single rendering with Maxwell Render 3.1.



Hey Tim,

I tried a render here with the extra sampling level set, but Maxwell doesn’t seem to be printing this value out to the render log. We currently pull the sampling level from the line that looks like this:

2015-02-17 07:33:47:  0: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:  - Desired sampling level : 6.000000

However, I’m not seeing anything regarding the extra sampling level. It’s quite possible that my Maxwell scene isn’t set up properly for this, so can you post a render log from a job where this is happening? We can take a look to see if it contains any useful output that we could watch for.

If it doesn’t, we might have to talk to the guys at Next Limit to see if this is something they can add to their render logging.

Note: The reason we don’t want to go with the sampling level that is set when submitting the job is that this won’t always be overwritten on submission. In that case, there is no sampling level stored with the job, so it’s much more reliable to pull it from Maxwell’s render log.


Here you go Ryan.


2015-02-16 14:25:52: BEGIN - R09\Tim
2015-02-16 14:25:52: 3: Loaded plugin Maxwell (\SERVER\Deadline7_Repository\plugins\Maxwell)
2015-02-16 14:25:52: 3: Start Job timeout is disabled.
2015-02-16 14:25:52: 3: Task timeout is disabled.
2015-02-16 14:25:52: 3: Loaded job: HDRI V3 Test ES - Single Cooperative Job (54e1fdeb3d27c919a4b20824)
2015-02-16 14:25:52: 3: INFO: Executing plugin script C:\Users\Tim.EMP3D\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\R09\plugins\54e1fdeb3d27c919a4b20824\
2015-02-16 14:25:52: 3: INFO: About: Maxwell Plugin for Deadline
2015-02-16 14:25:52: 3: INFO: The job’s environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering
2015-02-16 14:25:52: 3: Plugin rendering frame(s): 32
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: False
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: QT Popup Handling Enabled: False
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO:* Popup Handling Enabled: False
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: False
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Creating New Console: True
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Running as user: Tim
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Executable: “C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 3\maxwell.exe”
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: This is a single Maxwell file job, not including animation option.
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: This is part of a cooperative render, rendering with seed 32
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Saving local output for this job to C:\Users\Tim.EMP3D\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\R09\jobsData\54e1fdeb3d27c919a4b20824\maxwellOutput_tempD7Gzy0\Output\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.png
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: When finished, local output will be copied to \server\Render\Maxwell\EMP3d\MX3\Scenes\Website_BGs\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.png
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Saving local MXI for this job to C:\Users\Tim.EMP3D\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\R09\jobsData\54e1fdeb3d27c919a4b20824\maxwellOutput_tempD7Gzy0\MXI\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.mxi
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: When finished, local MXI will be copied to \server\Render\Maxwell\EMP3d\MX3\Scenes\Website_BGs\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.mxi
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Argument: -mxs:"\server\Maxwell\Pack_and_go\EMP3d\Dalvey_clock\Dalvey_6_HDRI_image_160215_ES.mxs" -nowait -hide -threads:0 -time:10000.0 -sampling:3.55 -extrasamplingenabled:yes -extrasamplingsl:12.91 -extrasamplingmask:0 -extrasamplingcustomalpha:Extra_Sampling -extrasamplinginvert:no -node -verbose:4 -idcpu:32 -output:“C:\Users\Tim.EMP3D\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\R09\jobsData\54e1fdeb3d27c919a4b20824\maxwellOutput_tempD7Gzy0\Output\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.png” -copyimage:"\server\Render\Maxwell\EMP3d\MX3\Scenes\Website_BGs\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.png" -mxi:“C:\Users\Tim.EMP3D\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\R09\jobsData\54e1fdeb3d27c919a4b20824\maxwellOutput_tempD7Gzy0\MXI\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.mxi” -copymxi:"\server\Render\Maxwell\EMP3d\MX3\Scenes\Website_BGs\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.mxi" -removeaftercopy:yes -noimage
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 3”
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Process Affinity: default
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: INFO: Process is now running
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: Installing error mode handler
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Installing error mode handler
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MAXWELL RENDER (M~R). Engine version
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: © 2004-2015. Licensed to Next Limit Technologies
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 3\maxwell.exe -mxs:\server\Maxwell\Pack_and_go\EMP3d\Dalvey_clock\Dalvey_6_HDRI_image_160215_ES.mxs -nowait -hide -threads:0 -time:10000.0 -sampling:3.55 -extrasamplingenabled:yes -extrasamplingsl:12.91 -extrasamplingmask:0 -extrasamplingcustomalpha:Extra_Sampling -extrasamplinginvert:no -node -verbose:4 -idcpu:32 -output:C:\Users\Tim.EMP3D\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\R09\jobsData\54e1fdeb3d27c919a4b20824\maxwellOutput_tempD7Gzy0\Output\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.png -copyimage:\server\Render\Maxwell\EMP3d\MX3\Scenes\Website_BGs\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.png -mxi:C:\Users\Tim.EMP3D\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\R09\jobsData\54e1fdeb3d27c919a4b20824\maxwellOutput_tempD7Gzy0\MXI\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.mxi -copymxi:\server\Render\Maxwell\EMP3d\MX3\Scenes\Website_BGs\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.mxi -removeaftercopy:yes -noimage
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: LICENSE INFO
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: License found in standard license path : C:\ProgramData/Next Limit/Maxwell/licenses/maxwell_license.lic
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: License type: FULL SUITE
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: License name: Tim Ellis
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Company: Ellis Media Productions 3d Ltd
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Expiration date: permanent
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Issued by: NEXTLIMIT
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: License checked out from server ID: SERVER
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: SYSTEM INFO
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Num processors: ( logical: 64, physical: 64 )
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Maxwell Root folder :C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 3
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Host ID: *************
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Low Priority Enabled
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Found 5 procedural extensions in C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 3\extensions
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MaxwellHair
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MaxwellParticles
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MaxwellVolumetric
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MGrassH
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MGrassP
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Found 5 geometry loader extensions in C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 3\extensions
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MaxwellMesher
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MaxwellSea
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MWObjectAlembic
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: RFMeshes
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: RWMeshes
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Found 4 geometry modifier extensions in C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 3\extensions
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MaxwellCloner
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MaxwellGrass
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MaxwellScatter
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: SubdivisionModifier
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Found 11 texture extensions in C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 3\extensions
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Brick
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Checker
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Circle
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Gradient3
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Gradient
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Grid
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Marble
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Noise
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Voronoi
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: TiledTexture
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: WireframeTexture
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Found 7 material modifier extensions in C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 3\extensions
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: AGS
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Opaque
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Transparent
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Metal
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Translucent
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Car Paint
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Hair
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:54] [INFO]: Reading MXS:\server\Maxwell\Pack_and_go\EMP3d\Dalvey_clock\Dalvey_6_HDRI_image_160215_ES.mxs
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: MXS file read successfully
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: CPU ID set by command line: 32
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: CPU ID used: 32
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Checking scene dependencies…
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Dependency found: M:\Pack_and_go\EMP3d\Dalvey_clock\Fine-scratches_02_B_WM.png
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Dependency found: M:\Pack_and_go\EMP3d\Dalvey_clock\Fine-scratches_02_B_Ndo_norm.png
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Dependency found: C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 2\materials database\ior files\nickel.ior
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Dependency found: C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 2\materials database\ior files\chromium.ior
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Dependency found: C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 2\materials database\ior files\amorphous carbon.ior
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Dependency found: C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell 2\materials database\ior files\iron (fe).ior
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Dependency found: M:\Pack_and_go\EMP3d\Dalvey_clock\Face_norm.png
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Dependency found: \SERVER\Maxwell\Pack_and_go\EMP3d\Dalvey_clock\Face_wm.png
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Dependency found: \SERVER\Maxwell\Pack_and_go\EMP3d\Dalvey_clock\Face_norm.png
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Dependency found: M:\Pack_and_go\EMP3d\Dalvey_clock\Face_orange_emit.hdr
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Dependency found: M:\Pack_and_go\EMP3d\Dalvey_clock\Shadow-passes-light-remains_Disp.png
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Dependency found: M:\Pack_and_go\EMP3d\Dalvey_clock\Showroom_grids.hdr
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Checking Data
2015-02-16 14:25:55: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:25:55] [INFO]: Loading Bitmaps & Preprocessing Data
2015-02-16 14:26:17: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:17] [WARNING]: DO NOT SAVE IMAGE FILE flag enabled. Image file will not be saved
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:17] [INFO]: Starting voxelization.
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Scene Info:
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Image output: C:\Users\Tim.EMP3D\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\R09\jobsData\54e1fdeb3d27c919a4b20824\maxwellOutput_tempD7Gzy0\Output\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.png
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: MXI output: C:\Users\Tim.EMP3D\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\R09\jobsData\54e1fdeb3d27c919a4b20824\maxwellOutput_tempD7Gzy0\MXI\EMP3d_HDRI_Collection_Logo_10_s0032.mxi
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Geometry:
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Num Objects: 16
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Num Meshes: 16
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Num Triangles: 456748
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Num Vertexes: 230653
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Num Normals: 238316
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Num Materials: 8
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Camera: Camera
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Render settings:
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Engine version :
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Using RS1 engine
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Desired rendering time : 10000
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Desired sampling level : 3.550000
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Using 64 threads
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Multilight type: Intensity
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Save lights in separate files:No
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Motion blur: disabled
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Displacement: disabled
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Dispersion: enabled
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: - Illumination layers:
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: . . direct layer: true
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: . . indirect layer: true
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: . . direct caustic reflection layer: true
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: . . direct caustic refraction layer: true
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: . . indirect caustic reflection layer: true
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: . . indirect caustic refraction layer: true
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:26:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:17] [INFO]: Start Voxelization
2015-02-16 14:26:25: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:25] [INFO]: End Voxelization
2015-02-16 14:26:25: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:25] [INFO]: Voxelization done.
2015-02-16 14:26:26: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:26] [INFO]: Start Rendering
2015-02-16 14:26:26: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:26:28: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:26:29: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:26:29: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:29] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:26:29: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:29] [INFO]: Extra Sampling: New (estimated) global target SL: 10.05
2015-02-16 14:26:29: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:29] [INFO]: Benchmark of 36.000. Time: 2s. SL of 1.00
2015-02-16 14:26:29: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:29] [INFO]: Time left: 2m49s
2015-02-16 14:26:31: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:26:32: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:26:32: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:32] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:26:32: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:32] [INFO]: Extra Sampling: New (estimated) global target SL: 10.06
2015-02-16 14:26:32: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:32] [INFO]: Benchmark of 34.630. Time: 6s. SL of 2.00
2015-02-16 14:26:32: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:32] [INFO]: Time left: 2m53s
2015-02-16 14:26:36: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:26:37: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:26:37: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:37] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:26:37: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:37] [INFO]: Extra Sampling: New (estimated) global target SL: 10.06
2015-02-16 14:26:37: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:37] [INFO]: Benchmark of 37.179. Time: 11s. SL of 3.00
2015-02-16 14:26:37: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:37] [INFO]: Time left: 46m27s
2015-02-16 14:26:43: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:26:45: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:26:45: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:45] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:26:45: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:45] [INFO]: Extra Sampling: New (estimated) global target SL: 10.07
2015-02-16 14:26:45: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:45] [INFO]: Benchmark of 37.505. Time: 19s. SL of 4.00
2015-02-16 14:26:45: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:45] [INFO]: Time left: 13m46s
2015-02-16 14:26:45: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:45] [INFO]: Extra Sampling: New global target SL: 10.09
2015-02-16 14:26:52: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:26:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:26:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:54] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:26:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:54] [INFO]: Benchmark of 30.460. Time: 28s. SL of 4.35
2015-02-16 14:26:54: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:26:54] [INFO]: Time left: 7m12s
2015-02-16 14:27:01: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:27:02: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:27:02: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:27:02] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:27:03: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:27:03] [INFO]: Benchmark of 29.408. Time: 36s. SL of 4.79
2015-02-16 14:27:03: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:27:03] [INFO]: Time left: 7m58s
2015-02-16 14:27:18: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:27:19: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:27:19: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:27:19] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:27:19: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:27:19] [INFO]: Benchmark of 25.816. Time: 53s. SL of 5.33
2015-02-16 14:27:19: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:27:19] [INFO]: Time left: 13m54s
2015-02-16 14:27:40: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:27:41: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:27:41: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:27:41] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:27:41: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:27:41] [INFO]: Benchmark of 24.406. Time: 1m15s. SL of 5.97
2015-02-16 14:27:41: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:27:41] [INFO]: Time left: 47m29s
2015-02-16 14:28:13: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:28:14: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:28:14: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:28:14] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:28:14: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:28:14] [INFO]: Benchmark of 23.366. Time: 1m48s. SL of 6.69
2015-02-16 14:28:14: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:28:14] [INFO]: Time left: 7m37s
2015-02-16 14:29:02: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:29:03: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:29:03: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:29:02] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:29:03: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:29:03] [INFO]: Benchmark of 22.836. Time: 2m36s. SL of 7.49
2015-02-16 14:29:03: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:29:03] [INFO]: Time left: 3m25s
2015-02-16 14:30:16: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:30:17: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:30:17: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:30:17] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:30:17: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:30:17] [INFO]: Benchmark of 22.168. Time: 3m51s. SL of 8.35
2015-02-16 14:30:17: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:30:17] [INFO]: Time left: 2m53s
2015-02-16 14:32:05: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:32:06: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:32:06: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:32:06] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:32:06: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:32:06] [INFO]: Benchmark of 21.935. Time: 5m40s. SL of 9.25
2015-02-16 14:32:06: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:32:06] [INFO]: Time left: 2m07s
2015-02-16 14:34:26: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: Start writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:34:28: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]: End writing MXI file…
2015-02-16 14:34:28: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:34:27] [INFO]: MXI successfully renamed.
2015-02-16 14:34:28: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:34:28] [INFO]: Benchmark of 22.009. Time: 8m01s. SL of 10.09
2015-02-16 14:34:28: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:34:28] [INFO]: Ending render process…
2015-02-16 14:34:28: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[INFO]:
2015-02-16 14:34:28: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:34:28] [INFO]: Render finished successfully
2015-02-16 14:34:28: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:34:28] [INFO]: Ending Session…
2015-02-16 14:34:29: 3: STDOUT: maxwell:[16/February/2015 14:34:29] [INFO]: Closing socket…
2015-02-16 14:34:30: 3: INFO: Process exit code: 0
2015-02-16 14:34:30: 3: Render time for frame(s): 8.625 m
2015-02-16 14:34:30: 3: Total time for task: 8.811 m
2015-02-16 14:34:30: 3: Saving task log…


Date: 02/16/2015 14:34:38
Frames: 32
Job Submit Date: 02/16/2015 14:25:47
Job User: Tim
Average RAM Usage: 1987302784 (2%)
Peak RAM Usage: 2098008064 (3%)
Average CPU Usage: 17%
Peak CPU Usage: 99%
Used CPU Clocks: 13377464
Total CPU Clocks: 78690968

Slave Information

Slave Name: R09
Version: v7.1.0.16 R (ff16c92b9)
Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (SP1)
Machine User: me
IP Address:
CPU Architecture: x64
CPUs: 64
CPU Usage: 100%
Memory Usage: 11.2 GB / 96.0 GB (11%)
Free Disk Space: 129.110 GB
Video Card: Matrox G200eW (Winbond)


Thanks for the log! Looks like there are a couple of lines we can use:

Extra Sampling: New (estimated) global target SL: ...
Extra Sampling: New global target SL: ...

We can pay attention to both, as the first will help us better estimate the progress early on, and the second will let us be more accurate once it’s set.

I’ve attached an updated Maxwell plugin file that attempts to use these lines to give better progress reporting. Just unzip to \your\repository\plugins\Maxwell and overwrite the existing file. Then resubmit this job and let us know if it works.

Ryan (5.3 KB)

Hey Tim,

Just wanted to follow up to see if you’ve had a chance to test the updated Maxwell plugin I posted. If this works, we can roll the fix into beta 4.


Hey Tim,

Just an update. We were able to create a scene with extra sampling, and discovered a bug in the previous Maxwell plugin file I posted. I’ve uploaded the new one here, which we confirmed to work as expected. We’ll be including this change in beta 4.

Ryan (5.3 KB)

Hi Ryan,

Sorry for the delay. I had to wait for my licenses to be renewed, which has now been done. Please could you reissue the beta license for me and I can test this straight away.



Hey Tim,

No worries! You can get your Deadline beta license renewed by emailing beta [at] thinkboxsoftware [dot] com


Hi Ryan,

This seems to be working correctly with beta 2, I’m downloading beta 4 now and will test with the bundled version too.



Great, thanks for confirming!

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