We have problems rendering a scene with Maya 2008 (mental ray) and Deadline. If Renderlayers were created the slaves render only with 2 Cores (cpus to use in the submission ui is greyed out). I tried to change cpus to use in the defaultRenderGlobals but it didnt work. I’m shure it has something to do with the submission script.
[code]global proc int ShowCpuOption()
string $renderer = GetCurrentRenderer();
if( IntMayaVersion() < 5 )
return 1;
else {
// mayaSoftware and mentalray are the renderers that use the cpu option
if( IsRenderLayersOn() == 0 ) {
if( $renderer == "mayaSoftware" || $renderer == "mentalRay" || $renderer == "finalRender" )
return 1;
return 0;[/code]
So any help is welcome.