Maya 2008 cpus to use - Deadline 2.7 with patch


We have problems rendering a scene with Maya 2008 (mental ray) and Deadline. If Renderlayers were created the slaves render only with 2 Cores (cpus to use in the submission ui is greyed out). I tried to change cpus to use in the defaultRenderGlobals but it didnt work. I’m shure it has something to do with the submission script.

[code]global proc int ShowCpuOption()
string $renderer = GetCurrentRenderer();

if( IntMayaVersion() < 5 )
	return 1;
else {
	// mayaSoftware and mentalray are the renderers that use the cpu option
	if( IsRenderLayersOn() == 0 ) {
		if( $renderer == "mayaSoftware" || $renderer == "mentalRay" || $renderer == "finalRender" )
			return 1;

return 0;[/code]

So any help is welcome.

Ok i solved the problem. I just changed the return value on the bottom of the ShowCpuOption procedure to 1. So now you can always change the number of cpus to use, regardless of the renderlayer.

This oversight was fixed in the recent Deadline 3.0 release, but thanks for posting the solution for our 2.7 users!


  • Ryan