Maya 2012 script not working


The submision for maya is returning a error:

source “InitDeadlineSubmitter.mel”;
running deadline command: -getrepositoryroot
// Warning: The SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel script could not be found in the Deadline Repository. Please make sure that the Deadline Client has been installed on this machine, that the Deadline Client bin folder is in your PATH, and that the Deadline Client has been configured to point to a valid Repository. //

I cant figure why,and the menu "thinkbox " does not appear in the shelves
i have installed Cinema 4d and it is working,same in 3dsmax or XSI,just in maya is the error,i dont know why, cand the script is in the repository. the repository path is \SERVER\DEADLINE and is visible in the network,and the rights is ok.
Can somebody help me please to figured out what is wrong?
Big Thanks

When you installed the Maya submission script, did you install the mel script from the “client setup” directory which is the one you should use; OR did you use the MEL script from the “submission” directory which you shouldn’t use.

Yes from the client setup ,i copy in /USER/my Domcuments/Maya/scrpits file usersetup.mel and in Maya install directory (scripts/startup) file InitDeadlineSubmitter.mel .
I follow the steps from the install forum,Maya section.
I apreciated help for this issue


That’s strange that Maya is the only one that isn’t working. Have you tried restarting the machine to see if that helps?