maya 2015 DL cloud instance not rendering

the render command:

/usr/autodesk/maya2015-x64/bin/Render -r vray -threads 0 -x 1920 -y 1080 -s 15 -e 15 -b 1 -rd “//disks/nas0/CGI/77A129_eng_test_ctj/shot/CLOUD/CLD_010/work.chrisj/maya/images” -im “%s/%l/%s_%l” -proj “//disks/nas0/CGI/77A129_eng_test_ctj/shot/CLOUD/CLD_010/work.chrisj/maya” “/disks/nas0/CGI/77A129_eng_test_ctj/shot/CLOUD/CLD_010/work.chrisj/maya/scenes/”

renders fine when logged directly into a running instance.

Could someone have a look a the log and see what this going on? This was rendering a few days ago.

Thank you!

Job_2015-07-21_18-13-15_55aeee2bcf2dfa086a1e5c16.txt (5.49 KB)

I took a look at the log, and it looks like it might be an issue with the Deadline Slave’s environment. Can you close all Deadline applications on the instance (including the Deadline Launcher) and then start them up again to see if that helps? This will ensure that Deadline sees the current environment.


I’ve found if I remove my environment variables I’m passing on with the submit, I get a render.

The issue I came across last night was finding someone installed VRay locally to the image. In our actual farm (as opposed to virtual), all plugins are centrally installed on the server. No plugins are installed locally.

I’ve updated the submit to not include the envs on cloud renders…we’ll see what happens.