Trying to get the Deadline Job Type of Bifrost Simulation Job working and it is failing. I am trying to diagnose it myself by running it in a command prompt on local systems without Deadline, etc. If I run this :
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2017\bin\MayaBatch.exe" -prompt -proj "N:/projects/dinodana/sequences/DD500/DD500_Megaladon/FX/work/maya"
on a render node, it crashes.
If I run it on my machine, the Job changes to status Completed but says this in the log :
2016-11-21 16:59:19: 0: STDOUT: Error: file: G:/cache/tmp1C95.tmp line 14: Plug-in, "BifrostMain", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH.
There are other conditions where it says Completed when it actually should be Failed - super annoying…
Anyway, just wanted to report issues as I find them. Please let me know if you need any more information from me? I will update this as I go, I need to make this work.
Maya 2017 no longer has a BifrostMain plugin…
So, in $repo\plugins\MayaBatch\MayaBatch.py, lines 518 - 520 below
scriptBuilder.AppendLine( ' // Make sure Bifrost plugin is loaded.')
scriptBuilder.AppendLine( ' if( !`pluginInfo -q -l "BifrostMain"` ) {')
scriptBuilder.AppendLine( ' loadPlugin( "BifrostMain" );')
I commented out line 520 and it submitted and started to run. In Deadline Monitor it failed with Strict Error Checking messages. Please see attached image, when you toggle from Maya Render Job to Bifrost Simulation Job, the Strict Error Checking toggle disappears and it submits it turned ON
It’s running but doing a Maya Software Render and not a Bifrost Simulation.
Forgot the Use MayaBatch Plugin box, probably it, that should really be hidden and toggled ON like the Strict Error thing I mention above.
Error :
2016-11-21 17:48:13: 0: STDOUT: Error: file: G:/cache/tmpDEAC.tmp line 15: Plug-in, "Bifrostshellnode", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH.
Go to Maya and confirm case sensitivity of lines 521 & 522
scriptBuilder.AppendLine( ' loadPlugin( "bifrostshellnode" );')
scriptBuilder.AppendLine( ' loadPlugin( "bifrostvisplugin" );')
Changed them, trying again.
It’s now working and generating caches - yay!
Here are some errors as it goes :
2016-11-21 18:03:22: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking off, ignoring the following error or warning.
2016-11-21 18:03:22: 0: STDOUT: Error: file: C:/Users/robaitchison/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline8/slave/silverbolt/plugins/58337c27272d6b2c748301c5/BifrostMemUsage.mel line 52: No object matches name: .outNumParticles
2016-11-21 18:03:22: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking off, ignoring the following error or warning.
2016-11-21 18:03:22: 0: STDOUT: Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2017/plug-ins/bifrost/scripts/doCreateBifrostCache.mel line 522: An execution error occured in the expression expression3.
2016-11-21 18:03:24: 0: STDOUT: [bifrostMemUsage] ELAPSED since last eval: 1.07 seconds.
Thanks for the detailed message. We’ll take a look here and try to get it smooth out for the future builds. Thanks for the report!
Hey Rob,
Just a quick note for anyone else reading this thread in the future, that these changes you highlighted were all added to our internal code and more than likely will appear in the next service pack of Deadline 9, which currently would target SP3.
Thanks again for the awesome feedback!