We are trying to get Vray to render Xgen and the job is failing with reference to not being able to locate “vrayformaya” on the MAYA_PLUGIN_PATH.
Since writing this draft, and after IT Dept. subsequent troubleshooting, things have gotten worse:
“Error: Renderer returned non-zero error code -1073741819. Check the renderer’s output.
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)”
“V-Ray error: ERROR: Could not create plugin SettingsRTEngine !”
IT Dept. considers this to be a potential GPU issue, since the nodes only run a CPU, but I believe the SettingsRTEngine do not actually apply to VRay RT (Real Time).
I have a feeling this issue relates to environmental variables, but do not have the technical background (or time during production) to troubleshoot.
Do these error messages provide anyone an idea of where we can begin to look for a solution?
The error code -1073741819 is equivalent to 0xC0000005, which represents a Memory Access Violation error. So 3ds Max is either running out of memory, or memory has become corrupt. If you find that your frames are still being rendered, you can modify the Maya plugin file to ignore this error. Here is documentation link from Maya’s command error and warnings, specifically look for the error " Exception during render: Renderer returned non-zero error code, -1073741819 ":
After Effects running out of memory? Anyway, I think the memory is fine, the scene we are testing with is very small and the nodes are working well with 3Ds Max renders. I am wondering if there is an Env Variable misconfiguration that is preventing Maya from loading VRay?
That’s possible - I’d try separating Deadline (and it’s associated environment variable fiddling) out by following the Troubleshooting Guide.
Be sure to share the logs you get back so we can take a look.