Region rendering jobs (tiled in my case) with maya 2022 does not work properly with my current setup.
The jobs are submitted just like older versions but each tile renders the complete image.
- Maya 2020 prints “rendering image at 960 x 540 (480 x 270 region)”.
- Maya 2020 prints “rendering image at 960 x 540”.
How to get this working with maya 2022?
Did you ever find a fix for this or work out a possible cause? I’ve been having this issue inconsistently across Maya 22 and 23.
Yes I found a fix. But at my side the problem was not inconsistent, it was reproducable all the time.
Edit the ‘GetRegionCommand’ function in "plugins/MayaBatch/
elif self.Renderer == "arnold":
regionBuilder = StringBuilder()
regionBuilder.AppendLine( 'setAttr defaultArnoldRenderOptions.regionMinX ' + self.Left + ';' )
regionBuilder.AppendLine( 'setAttr defaultArnoldRenderOptions.regionMaxX ' + self.Right + ';' )
regionBuilder.AppendLine( 'setAttr defaultArnoldRenderOptions.regionMinY ' + self.Top + ';' )
regionBuilder.AppendLine( 'setAttr defaultArnoldRenderOptions.regionMaxY ' + self.Bottom + ';' )
userOptions = 'region_min_x '+str(self.Left)+' region_max_x '+str(self.Right)+' region_min_y '+str(self.Top)+' region_max_y '+str(self.Bottom)
regionBuilder.AppendLine( 'setAttr defaultArnoldRenderOptions.aiUserOptions -type "string" "' + userOptions + '";' )
return regionBuilder.ToString()
Thanks Jim for sharing the fix to this issue, it seems like the commands we use to test the render region in Arnold are not being respected.
I have created an internal runbook to address the issue properly.