We are using Deadline 10.1 Maya 2020.4. When we submitted a Maya job to our render machine Which uses Rocky Linux version 8.7 (Green Obsidian), the MAYA_APP_DIR seem to always default to an empty string. We tried to set by creating a maya.sh file in /etc/profile.d but whenever a job is run on this machine the MAYA_APP_DIR still go back to be an empty string.
I wouldn’t think this is a Deadline issue, so long as you don’t have ‘Only Use Job Environment Variables When Rendering’ enabled on the job under the ‘Environment’ pane. You can check by double clicking the job in the Monitor to open the Job Properties window.
If that’s enabled, the environment set on the render node will be ignored in favor of what’s set on the job.
If that’s not the case, I’d make sure when you’re looking for the environment variable it’s as the same user the Worker application is running under, as that’ll be the system user Maya is being started as.