Maya arnold ass assets copy?

Hi everyone, i have a strange thing going on here, so i have in maya scene few ass proxy’s, and when i submit a scene to deadline, deadline starts to copy all ass to each slave (local assets caching is OFF)

Am using the latest deadline

So would be nice if someone could explain to me what’s going on???


As deadline is asked to perform path mapping on the Maya scene and the assets, it makes a copy of all of the .ass files as files can contain references to other files that need to be manually mapped or else they will not be found.

You can read through this forum post Edwin explained the how the path mapping and .ass file works: RCS copying files to /var/lib/Thinkbox/ - #6 by eamsler

hm even if the path to assets are absolute? still not sure if i understand…

i need to have few TB hdd so i can store all the assets, make no sense?

sorry but i dont get it, files are already on the server i dont want to multiply them all over the network…

The file copy only happens if you’re making use of Path Mapping(Cross-Platform Rendering).

We do that, as we’ll be re-writing the contents of the ass file and Maya files to match the render node’s operating system. So if you created the file on a Windows machine, we will convert Windows paths to Linux paths when rendering happens on a Linux render node.

If you’re not doing any cross-platform rendering, you can disable this in the Monitor under Tools → Configure Plugins → Mayabatch → Enable path mapping.

I wouldn’t expect your ass and maya scene files to be large enough to need TB sized drive on your render nodes, however. If you’re able, I could look at a task report to see if I can explain what’s going on.