Hi - We’ve just updated to and when I modify the “Output Path” option in the Maya submitter’s Render Options and do an Arnold Export with a dependent kick, that output path is ignored. I can see in the job properties panel Submission Params that the OutputDirectory is set as expected but the .ass file that’s generated uses the path from the render settings.
I’m guessing it’s always been this way and I just noticed, but it’s a bit confusing because the right-click explore output on the task in the monitor uses the job setting, which in this case isn’t where kick is actually writing files. Would it be possible to get the .ass export that the submitter runs to use the setting in the submitter? Or at least disable the field so it’s clearly not used and make sure the job settings get the maya render globals setting for it?
Or am I missing something? (totally plausible on a monday morning after the spring time change…)
When exporting using Arnold we are letting Arnold determine where to export to. Arnold is always exporting to the Data directory of the project path, so if you update the Project Path in the Maya submitter it will update where the .ass file is exported to. The Output Path is still being used to determine where the dependent arnold render should go to.
(In case it matters, we’re doing local arnold exports with a dependent kick job submitted.)
I’m not really concerned with where the .ass files go since they’re effectively a temporary cache, but the actual rendered frames are going to the location set in the Maya render settings, not the location we enter into the Deadline submitter “Output Path” location. This is confusing for the artists, since setting that field for a Maya render does override where the images go, and the Deadline Monitor right click menu on the tasks always goes there for the view and explore output actions. However, the frames aren’t there, since Arnold is writing to the location in the Maya render globals.
If it’s possible to get Arnold to render to that location (render, not export .ass files), that’d be ideal since we like having the override option in the submit for that. But if not, then for an Arnold export, could you disable that field (unless it does affect something I’m missing?) so artists don’t expect it to change the image file output location like it does for a Maya render, and have the Arnold tasks in deadline explore/view in the location the images are actually rendering to so they don’t have a panic when there are no images in the location they set in the submitter?
(In case it matters, we’re doing local arnold exports with a dependent kick job submitted.)
I’m not really concerned with where the .ass files go since they’re effectively a temporary cache, but the actual rendered frames are going to the location set in the Maya render settings, not the location we enter into the Deadline submitter “Output Path” location. This is confusing for the artists, since setting that field for a Maya render does override where the images go, and the Deadline Monitor right click menu on the tasks always goes there for the view and explore output actions. However, the frames aren’t there, since Arnold is writing to the location in the Maya render globals.
If it’s possible to get Arnold to render to that location (render, not export .ass files), that’d be ideal since we like having the override option in the submit for that. But if not, then for an Arnold export, could you disable that field (unless it does affect something I’m missing?) so artists don’t expect it to change the image file output location like it does for a Maya render, and have the Arnold tasks in deadline explore/view in the location the images are actually rendering to so they don’t have a panic when there are no images in the location they set in the submitter?
Here is an attached submitter that should fix this for you. Just extract it to /submission/Maya/Main and then restart maya and you should be good to go.