Maya Arnold render progress inaccurate

Hi -

We’ve got installed and today ran some maya arnold renders through and noticed that the task progress isn’t updating accurately. It’s sticking at 1.x % until it gets to the end of the task frame range then suddenly pops to 100%.

For instance, it reads 1.1% right now but just finished frame 63 of range 51-100. Here’s what was in the slave log:

2017-02-09 19:40:33:  0: STDOUT: [driver_exr] writing file `Z:/Personal_Folders/Brandon/PapauNewGuinea/images/AnimTest004/beauty/animTest_07_0063.exr'

(No carriage return in the log line, that’s just the word wrap in the browser.)

Anyone else seeing this? Or anyone specifically seeing it work correctly with Maya Render submissions of arnold renders (ie not exporting to .ass first)?


Hey mplec,
Do you have a full log that I could take a look at. From my quick tests it seems to be working as expected since there are the following lines which are setting the progress.

0% done - 10 rays/pixel 2017-02-13 08:48:50: 0: STDOUT: 00:00:02 331MB | 5% done - 16 rays/pixel 2017-02-13 08:48:50: 0: STDOUT: 00:00:02 331MB | 10% done - 22 rays/pixel 2017-02-13 08:48:50: 0: STDOUT: 00:00:02 331MB | 15% done - 12 rays/pixel


Hi Grant -Were you running multiple frames in the task in your test? We had 50 frames per task so there was both iteration over the frame range printing via the output file names and the sub-frame progress that you quoted.

I can dig out a full log if needed, should I send it in via support or is there a way to attach here that I’m not seeing?


Hey Matt,
I was running multiple tasks, the total progress for the task should be based on the sub frame progress and the number of times it has scene render completed.

You should be able to attach a file here when you are posting a reply (either drag it onto the text box or there is an attachments section below it).


Ah… right there in the “Attachments” tab… whoda thunk it? Log attached!
Job_2017-02-09_20-09-18_589d3ceec4e98b091875be26.txt (1.71 MB)

A little more info on this. I was just watching the slave log at the same time as the task progress and it looks like when a frame within the task starts and arnold prints it’s 0% message, the task progress goes back to 0.

Each task is a chunk of 50 frames, and when it gets to 50% on a frame, the task progress hits 1%, which makes sense. As it gets near the end of the frame it approaches 2% as you’d expect, and then when it starts the next frame it resets to 0%.

FYI. Looks like Arnold’s StdOut for “render done” has changed subtly between versions. We are running some tests here to validate, with the intention to provide an updated plugin file.

Hey Matt,

Here is an updated Maya plugin that has changed the Stdout handler. This should hopefully fix the progress logging.

Grant (24.2 KB)

Hi Grant - That did the trick. I’m watching an Arnold render tick along now and it’s reporting correctly now.


@grant.bartel I can’t download that file, could you please re-upload it ?

Looking into this one now… (24.3 KB)

@eamsler it’s so strange each time I click on it, just like the other one I get " Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private."

I can confirm that both uploads cannot be downloaded.
When I tried an alternative right-click, Save link as…, it downloaded a 14KB ZIP file that could not be opened (invalid zip file).

Okay, it seems that because the file already exists on the system I cannot re-upload it. I’ll see what the heck is different between the old attachments and ones added after we migrated the forum software.

Update: After much research, it looks like the table which holds the S3 file mapping isn’t fully up to date. I’ve hacked the zip here and just thrown a text file in it to change its signature so it now exists in the DB. Give that a try now and I’ll see if we need to re-run some administration system.

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The link works now ! thank you, and yes I’ve noticed everything from the old version of the forum can’t be downloaded for me.

It seems though the problem of Arnold renders remaining in 0% and then jump at 100% at the end is still there, maybe the file was solving a different issue, for me this issue is in every single arnold render, be it one or multiple tasks.