Maya Arnold render submit incorrect render layer jobs

Hi - This is a problem I opened with support on the 8.0 release, which Dwight believed was fixed in 8.1. I just gave it a test run and I’m seeing the same thing in as I was in I followed up on the support ticket and was advised to post about it here with a reference to the original ticket – [#597985] “extra jobs submitted for arnold export render”.

The summary is that we’re running maya 2017 and using the new render setup stuff. I believe (though no one is positive) that the scene started life pre-2017 new render setup. When I submit an Arnold export render with the export done locally and dependent render jobs submitted, Deadline creates jobs for layers that don’t exist rather than the ones that do.

The jobs created are for, “defaultRenderLayer”, “defaultRenderLayer1”, and “defaultRenderLayer2” but the Render Settings “Render layer” drop-down menu and Render Setup panel show the render layers are “masterLayer” and “rs_renderSetupLayer1”. Also, in the Render Setup panel only the masterLayer is enabled for batch rendering, so I’d only expect to see a job created for that layer.

When I create a new simple test scene this doesn’t happen but we have quite a few jobs where we load up a previous scene built for the job, make some updates, and re-render for a new delivery and it would be some trouble to rebuild them all clean in 2017 (assuming that would even solve it for the real production case).

The scene was provided in the investigation of the original support ticket if you need it and if there’s any other information I can gather here that might help please let me know. We’d love to be able to get renders running directly from arnold .ass rather than through maya, thanks for any help!

Hey Matt,

Would you be able to try this updated Maya submitter. it is using a different method of gathering the render layers so hopefully this will catch it correctly. All you should have to do is extract this to /submission/Maya/Main and then reopen maya and try submitting again.

Grant (60.5 KB)

Getting closer – I do get just the one expected task in the queue now. However, when the job picks up it fails with this error:

The maya script editor says the .ass file was written with the render layer name as part of the path:

Hey Matt,

hmmm I am not seeing that I noticed that the other render setup appears to have some kind of error in it though. Is this the same as you are seeing? rsError.png


Hi Grant - Loading the scene up here I don’t get any errors on that layer or the master layer. But it’s not enabled for batch so I’d expect it to be ignored for the export and render job submission anyway?

I did have the deadline submit running the arnold export locally before queueing up the job. The log message with the .ass export location appears to come from mtoa. We’re running mtoa-, updated over the one that was installed with 2017, in case that matters?

I just opened the scene and submitted again for a sanity check. Here’s what I get in the script editor from Maya when it exports from the Deadline submitter:

[mtoa] Exported scene to file Z:/Personal_Folders/mplec/maya/test/data/masterLayer/LN_ThieveryCorp_LIT_TEST_944004_v014_test.ass

But in the job properties in the Deadline monitor, the Submission Params tab says:


Maybe it’s using some path building function that’s not in the new SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel file you gave me, but you have it on your side?

Hey Matt,

Would you mind running this mel script in the scene.

listConnections -source false -destination true renderLayerManager.renderLayerId;

This is what is being used under the hood to determine if the Render Layer should be included in the scene filename, and should let me know if it is seeing a second layer for some reason (unless this has changed, we are on mtoa 1.4).


It gives me:

A screen grab of the Render Setup window is attached.

Hey Matt,

Here is an updated submitter that should fix this all for you. I believe I have got all of the cases now.

Grant (60.5 KB)

Hi Grant -

When I put this version in, I get the following error in the script editor when Maya starts up:

running deadline command: -getrepositorypath submission/Maya/Main/
Running submission script “Z:/Deadline/DeadlineRepository8/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel”
// Error: return ( size($renderLayers) > 1); //
// Error: “Z:/Deadline/DeadlineRepository8/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel” line 1188.29: “$renderLayers” is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: } //
// Error: “Z:/Deadline/DeadlineRepository8/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel” line 1189.1: Procedure is missing a return statement. //

Changing line 1188 to:

return ( size($renderLayerList) > 1);

fixes that and it submits correctly and the job runs on the farm successfully.


Hey Matt,

Good to hear that is working for you, I noticed that pretty much right after I sent it to you and then I forgot to send you a new one.

If you run into any more issues with this feel free to let me know.
