Maya/Arnold rendering failure with exit error code:211

Hi all,

I am trying to render a rather simple scene in Maya using Arnold and I get the below error log. I suspect the error has to do with 'RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 1: Unable to dynamically load : B:/apw/apps/arnold/mtoa_4.2.2/mtoa/2022/plug-ins/mtoa.mll'

Is there a way resolve it? I have tried setting environment variables for the job such as MAYA_MODULE_PATH, MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH, and MAYA_RENDER_DESC_PATH. Any help would be appreciated.

Error: FailRenderException : Renderer returned non-zero error code 211. Check the renderer's output.
   at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.FailRender(String message) (Python.Runtime.PythonException)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\DESKTOP-QCDPF8N\plugins\637e0039f7777866cf19ed70\", line 1112, in CheckExitCode
    self.FailRender( "Renderer returned non-zero error code %d. Check the renderer's output." % exitCode )
   at Python.Runtime.Dispatcher.Dispatch(ArrayList args)
   at __FranticX_GenericDelegate1`1\[\[System_Int32\, System_Private_CoreLib\, Version=4_0_0_0\, Culture=neutral\, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e\]\]Dispatcher.Invoke(Int32 )
   at FranticX.Processes.ManagedProcess.CheckExitCode(Int32 exitCode)
   at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.CheckExitCode(Int32 exitCode)
   at FranticX.Processes.ManagedProcess.Execute(Boolean waitForExit)
   at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(Task task, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)


Stack Trace
   at Deadline.Plugins.SandboxedPlugin.d(DeadlineMessage bgj, CancellationToken bgk)
   at Deadline.Plugins.SandboxedPlugin.RenderTask(Task task, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.c(TaskLogWriter ajq, CancellationToken ajr)

2022-11-23 16:46:34:  0: Loading Job's Plugin timeout is Disabled
2022-11-23 16:46:34:  0: SandboxedPlugin: Render Job As User disabled, running as current user 'sglocal'
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: Executing plugin command of type 'Initialize Plugin'
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: debug logging enabled
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: m_pluginParamFilename = 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\DESKTOP-QCDPF8N\plugins\637e0039f7777866cf19ed70\MayaCmd.param'
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: m_pluginScriptFilename = 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\DESKTOP-QCDPF8N\plugins\637e0039f7777866cf19ed70\'
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: m_pluginPreLoadFilename = 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\DESKTOP-QCDPF8N\plugins\637e0039f7777866cf19ed70\'
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: m_jobPreLoadFilename = 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\DESKTOP-QCDPF8N\plugins\637e0039f7777866cf19ed70\'
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Checking for Plugin Pre-Load
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Loading Plugin...
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Executing plugin script 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\DESKTOP-QCDPF8N\plugins\637e0039f7777866cf19ed70\'
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Plugin execution sandbox using Python version 3
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: getting job user
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: setting job filenames
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Obtaining Deadline plugin object
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Setting internal variables and delegates
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Preparing Environment Variables
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Obtaining network settings
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: Initializing Deadline plugin
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: This is a simple plugin job.
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: About: Maya Cmd Plugin for Deadline
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: The job's environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: InitializePlugin: returning
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Initialize Plugin'
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: Start Job timeout is disabled.
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: Task timeout is disabled.
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: Loaded job: cmdline_test_win_3 (637e0039f7777866cf19ed70)
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: Executing plugin command of type 'Start Job'
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: StartJob: called
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: StartJob: Checking for Job Pre-Load
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: S3BackedCache Client is not installed.
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: GlobalAssetTransferPreLoadJob: called
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Executing global asset transfer preload script 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\DESKTOP-QCDPF8N\plugins\637e0039f7777866cf19ed70\'
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer...
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) File Transfer controller in C:/Program Files/Thinkbox/S3BackedCache/bin/
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Could not find legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer.
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer is not installed on the system.
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: GlobalAssetTransferPreLoadJob: returning
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: StartJob: Starting Job...
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: StartJob: returning
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Start Job'
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 5
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: Executing plugin command of type 'Render Task'
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: RenderTasks: called
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: RenderTasks: rendering frames 5 to 5
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: debug logging enabled
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: called
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: calling PreRenderTasks()
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Setting MAYA_DEBUG_ENABLE_CRASH_REPORTING environment variable to 0 for this session
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Setting MAYA_DISABLE_CIP (ADSK Customer Involvement Program) environment variable to 1 for this session
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Setting MAYA_DISABLE_CER (ADSK Customer Error Reporting) environment variable to 1 for this session
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Setting MAYA_DISABLE_CLIC_IPM (ADSK In Product Messaging) environment variable to 1 for this session
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Setting MAYA_OPENCL_IGNORE_DRIVER_VERSION environment variable to 1 for this session
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Setting MAYA_VP2_DEVICE_OVERRIDE environment variable to VirtualDeviceDx11 for this session
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Setting MAYA_RENDER_SETUP_INCLUDE_ALL_LIGHTS environment variable to 1 for this session
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Setting MAYA_ENABLE_LEGACY_RENDER_LAYERS environment variable to 0 for this session
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2022.0
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Enforcing 64 bit build of Maya
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: WARNING: 64 bit Maya 2022_0 render executable was not found in the semicolon separated list "". Checking for any executable that exists instead.
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Performing path mapping on ma scene file
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: setting up child process
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Stdout Redirection Enabled: True
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: QT Popup Handling Enabled: False
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO:* Popup Handling Enabled: False
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Running as user: sglocal
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2022.0
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Enforcing 64 bit build of Maya
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: WARNING: 64 bit Maya 2022_0 render executable was not found in the semicolon separated list "". Checking for any executable that exists instead.
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Executable: "B:/apw/apps/maya/2022/Maya2022/bin/Render.exe"
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Rendering to network drive
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Rendering all layers - using the renderer(s) set in the Maya render settings.
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Argument:  -r file  -s 5 -e 5 -b 1 -rd "C:/Users/sglocal/Documents/maya/projects/default/images" -proj "C:/Users/sglocal/Documents/maya/projects/default"  "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\DESKTOP-QCDPF8N\jobsData\637e0039f7777866cf19ed70\thread0_tempnZGfB0\"
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Full Command: "B:/apw/apps/maya/2022/Maya2022/bin/Render.exe"  -r file  -s 5 -e 5 -b 1 -rd "C:/Users/sglocal/Documents/maya/projects/default/images" -proj "C:/Users/sglocal/Documents/maya/projects/default"  "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\DESKTOP-QCDPF8N\jobsData\637e0039f7777866cf19ed70\thread0_tempnZGfB0\"
2022-11-23 16:46:52:  0: INFO: Startup Directory: "B:\apw\apps\maya\2022\Maya2022\bin"
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Returning
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: VP2 Warning : Graphics hardware has been detected to have insufficient memory (0 MB).
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT: VP2 Warning : Graphics hardware has been detected to have insufficient memory (0 MB).
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Please check your video card and driver to ensure that a minimum amount of memory exists (512 MB).
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT: Please check your video card and driver to ensure that a minimum amount of memory exists (512 MB).
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: The environment variable MAYA_OGS_GPU_MEMORY_LIMIT can be used to explicitly set the GPU memory limit.
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT: The environment variable MAYA_OGS_GPU_MEMORY_LIMIT can be used to explicitly set the GPU memory limit.
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Initialized VP2.0 renderer {
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT: Initialized VP2.0 renderer {
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   Version : 2016.11.62.12. Feature Level 5.
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT:   Version : 2016.11.62.12. Feature Level 5.
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   Adapter : 
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT:   Adapter : 
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   Vendor ID: 0. Device ID : 
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT:   Vendor ID: 0. Device ID : 
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   Driver : .
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT:   Driver : .
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   API : DirectX V.11. Using software WARP device due to failure to obtain a hardware device
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT:   API : DirectX V.11. Using software WARP device due to failure to obtain a hardware device
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   Max texture size : 16384 * 16384.
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT:   Max texture size : 16384 * 16384.
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   Max texture coords : 32
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT:   Max texture coords : 32
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   Shader versions supported (Vertex: 5, Geometry: 5, Pixel 5).
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT:   Shader versions supported (Vertex: 5, Geometry: 5, Pixel 5).
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   Active stereo support available : 0
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT:   Active stereo support available : 0
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   Forced GPU Memory Limit : 2047 MB.
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT:   Forced GPU Memory Limit : 2047 MB.
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   CPU Memory Limit : 23346.7 MB.
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: STDOUT:   CPU Memory Limit : 23346.7 MB.
2022-11-23 16:47:10:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: STDOUT: Failed to execute
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: STDOUT: Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   File "B:\apw\apps\maya\2022\Maya2022\Python37\lib\site-packages\past\builtins\", line 87, in execfile
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: STDOUT:   File "B:\apw\apps\maya\2022\Maya2022\Python37\lib\site-packages\past\builtins\", line 87, in execfile
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:     exec_(code, myglobals, mylocals)
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: STDOUT:     exec_(code, myglobals, mylocals)
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:   File "C:/Users/sglocal/Documents/maya/scripts/", line 7, in <module>
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: STDOUT:   File "C:/Users/sglocal/Documents/maya/scripts/", line 7, in <module>
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout:     cmds.evalDeferred('leukocyte = vaccine.phage()')
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: STDOUT:     cmds.evalDeferred('leukocyte = vaccine.phage()')
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: RuntimeError: AttributeError: file <maya console> line 1: module 'vaccine' has no attribute 'phage'
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:14:  0: STDOUT: RuntimeError: AttributeError: file <maya console> line 1: module 'vaccine' has no attribute 'phage'
2022-11-23 16:47:15:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-23 16:47:15:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Getting popup handles
2022-11-23 16:47:15:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Got 0 handles
2022-11-23 16:47:15:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Returning
2022-11-23 16:47:15:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-23 16:47:15:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Getting popup handles
2022-11-23 16:47:15:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Got 0 handles
2022-11-23 16:47:15:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Returning
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Getting popup handles
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Got 0 handles
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Returning
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Error: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 7: RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 1: Unable to dynamically load : B:/apw/apps/arnold/mtoa_4.2.2/mtoa/2022/plug-ins/mtoa.mll
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Error: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 29: The camera 'perspShape' has no '.ai_translator' attribute.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Error: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 29: setAttr: No object matches name: .ai_translator
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Error: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 29: setAttr: No object matches name: .ai_translator
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Error: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 46: The camera 'topShape' has no '.ai_translator' attribute.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Error: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 46: The camera 'topShape' has no '.ai_translator' attribute.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Error: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 46: setAttr: No object matches name: .ai_translator
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Error: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 46: setAttr: No object matches name: .ai_translator
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Error: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 62: The camera 'frontShape' has no '.ai_translator' attribute.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Error: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 118: setAttr: No object matches name: .ai_translator
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Error: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 118: setAttr: No object matches name: .ai_translator
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Warning: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 121: Unrecognized node type 'aiSkyDomeLight'; preserving node information during this session.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Warning: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 121: Unrecognized node type 'aiSkyDomeLight'; preserving node information during this session.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Warning: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 316: Unrecognized node type 'aiOptions'; preserving node information during this session.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Warning: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 316: Unrecognized node type 'aiOptions'; preserving node information during this session.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Warning: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 320: Unrecognized node type 'aiAOVFilter'; preserving node information during this session.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Warning: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 320: Unrecognized node type 'aiAOVFilter'; preserving node information during this session.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Warning: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 323: Unrecognized node type 'aiAOVDriver'; preserving node information during this session.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Warning: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 323: Unrecognized node type 'aiAOVDriver'; preserving node information during this session.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Warning: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 326: Unrecognized node type 'aiAOVDriver'; preserving node information during this session.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Warning: file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/DESKTOP-QCDPF8N/jobsData/637e0039f7777866cf19ed70/thread0_tempnZGfB0/ line 326: Unrecognized node type 'aiAOVDriver'; preserving node information during this session.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Warning: line 1: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Warning: line 1: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: File read in  1.6 seconds.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: File read in  1.6 seconds.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Error: line 1: Error reading file.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Error: line 1: Error reading file.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Error: line 1: Error reading file.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Error: line 1: Error reading file.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: Error: file: C:\Users\sglocal\AppData\Local\Temp\AST866011572.tmp line 34: Scene C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\DESKTOP-QCDPF8N\jobsData\637e0039f7777866cf19ed70\thread0_tempnZGfB0\ failed to render.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: line was matched by handler ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*"
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2022-11-23 16:47:16:  0: STDOUT: Error: file: C:\Users\sglocal\AppData\Local\Temp\AST866011572.tmp line 34: Scene C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\DESKTOP-QCDPF8N\jobsData\637e0039f7777866cf19ed70\thread0_tempnZGfB0\ failed to render.
2022-11-23 16:47:17:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-23 16:47:17:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Getting popup handles
2022-11-23 16:47:17:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Got 0 handles
2022-11-23 16:47:17:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Returning
2022-11-23 16:47:17:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-23 16:47:17:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Getting popup handles
2022-11-23 16:47:17:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Got 0 handles
2022-11-23 16:47:17:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Returning
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): True    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Getting popup handles
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Got 0 handles
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Returning
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.HandleStdoutLine: parsing stdout: // Maya exited with status 210
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: STDOUT: // Maya exited with status 210
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: m_process.IsRunning(): False    m_process.IsStdoutAvailable(): False
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: child process has exited
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Getting popup handles
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Got 0 handles
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: PopupHandler.CheckForPopups: Returning
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: checking exit code
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: INFO: Process exit code: 211
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: calling CheckExitCode()
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: DEBUG: ManagedProcess.Execute: returning
2022-11-23 16:47:18:  0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Render Task'


I’d first clean up your maya settings/scenes – it looks like you have that annoying malware script that generates the “” .

IIRC, the Maya security tools didn’t clean up everything, even though the user selected to “fix” it. More than a few times I manually edited the .ma file for the user. Links below.

As far as the unable to dynamically load mtoa – make sure that everything was installed correctly (e.g. the bin directory) and that you have appended that bin directory to the PATH. Not sure if you’re using mod files, Maya.env, or custom scripts, but e.g. in Maya.env: PATH = B:/apw/apps/arnold/mtoa_4.2.2/mtoa/2022/bin;


Security utility:

Forum threads:


Thanks for your reply! There was a problem with the .mod file so fixing that and passing MAYA_MODULE_PATH as a job environment variable solved this issue.

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