Maya Batch Priority

Is there a way to change the priority of the maya batch in the process task manager inside deadline monitor?
Cause its set by default to below normal and its not enough, the PC is unusable unless i change it to low priority(and that takes me quite some time to do it, cause the mouse gets super slow), plus i have to change it again each time deadline changes task.
The thing is that sometime i need to let the PC render and be able to browse, to open folder etc…, and thats not possible when the priority is set to below normal.
It would be nice to have an option inside the maya submission window, or to change the default priority to low.

That’s interesting that below normal isn’t enough. We use below normal specifically to allow interaction with the machine when you need it.

It’s easy to change on your end though. For the MayaBatch plugin, go to \your\repository\plugins\MayaBatch and open in a text editor. Find this line:

self.ProcessPriority = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal

Change it to this:

self.ProcessPriority = ProcessPriorityClass.Idle

You can do the same in the file in \your\repository\plugins\MayaCmd as well.

I’m concerned about the performance impact of using the low (idle) priority though. This is from Microsoft’s documentation:

But if it works for you, great! :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

Thank you.