Maya : Error: Renderer returned non-zero error code 2

maya batch

Error: Monitored managed process "MayaBatch" has exited or been terminated.

maya cmd

Error: Renderer returned non-zero error code 2

maya 2017, Deadline Version: R (de7785a42)

Looks like Maya has some sort of error. “Has exited” means it closed before we asked it to. Exit code 2 isn’t a clearly defined exit code.

Could you send along more of the log? If privacy is needed, e-mail it to

I just found the real problem. An error was happen because I use a reference character rigging to lookdev a scene then render. But the how we can work with reference model and absolute path work(un-use maya project setting)

We added support for the dirmap command to do path mapping in Deadline 7.1, so you should have that available to you… Can you check and see if it’s enabled in the “Tools” -> “Configure Plugins” settings for MayaBatch?

It was enabled but I’m not clear this feature use for?

The dirmap path mapping allows us to path map inside of a Maya binary file(.mb) whereas before we needed users to save their files as the bulkier .ma files in order to apply path mapping.