Maya Geomtrey flicker and distortion from one slave HELP !

Hi, I have two windows 7 machines rendering maya files, Ive done my first render overnight only to find that ALL the frames on slave 1 (one with the repository) have a slight distortion in my characters mesh geometry making it flicker when all frames are put together !?.. its really weird, all the frames on my second slave (where i submitted the job from maya) are ALL fine. eg you can see the wrist, parts of the body verts just move slightly and distort. this is also happening on other non character geometry… I’m having to re-render all the frames that are wrong again but just with one slave my second one. PLEASE HELP… :cry:

I am using referenced files, this shouldn’t matter right ?
inside maya Im using mental ray

deadline type: maya render job
I have render layers as seperate jobs as i need this
enable local rendering is NOT enabled

many thanks

Hmm, this definitely isn’t a known issue, so we’ll have to do some debugging.

Have you tried a local render on the second slave to see if you get the same bad results? We need to determine if this is a Deadline specific problem or a general Maya issue, and doing a local test on the problematic slave is the best place to start.

If the local render works, then the next thing to try is to resubmit the Deadline job, but this time make sure the “Use MayaBatch” option is disabled in the submitter. This will have Deadline do a basic command line render. If you still get the bad frames, please post a log from the job from a bad frame. You can find the logs by right-clicking on the job in the Monitor and selecting Job Reports -> View Log Reports.


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan thanks for the reply, I tried checking the render locally but still same problem, I have posted a low res clip here, look at his arm pit and right wrist flickering between bad frames done on slave one and ok frames from slave two:

I thought it best to try and import the objects from the reference character file so there are no referenced files used, I noticed the bad frames look like earlier versions of skinning issues I had in this area. may just be a coincidence, Not sure how this is possible though as the referenced character file has been fixed and rendering fine on second slave… anyway… I have a new problem now that I have imported the reference and submit to deadline I get this error message…

// Warning: file: //DAVESHP/DeadlineRepository/submission/Maya/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 2897: ‘Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:defaultRenderLayer’ is a layer from a referenced scene and is not allowed to be the current layer.

I don’t understand how this is possible as there are now no referenced files ?
I tried selecting a different render layer and re-saving and re submitting to deadline but still same error, i tried copying the render layer, still same error ?
Any ideas, I under a tight timeline with this project ?, many thanks again

and here is a log report from one of the bad frames

[size=85]Log Message

0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: slave test - Claude_beauty (999_050_999_794d30ad)
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin MayaBatch
0: INFO: About: Maya Batch Plugin for Deadline
0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2013.0
0: INFO: Starting monitored managed process MayaBatch
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “READY FOR INPUT” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “FLEXlm error: ." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.3DL ERROR .” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "Finished Rendering.
.([0-9]+).[^.]+” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Finished Rendering.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “Constructing shading groups|Rendering current frame” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Error: .|.Warning: .” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +rendered” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +computing final gather points” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: writing image file .* (frame ([0-9]+))” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +rendering finished” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “| render done” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] Completed frame*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame 100.00.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Render complete.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] Percentage of rendering done: (.)" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression ".
[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame ([0-9]+.[0-9]+)." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.RIMG : +([0-9]+)%" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "V-Ray: Building light cache
” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "V-Ray: Prepass ([0-9]+) of ([0-9]+)
” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Rendering image*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: +([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: +([0-9]+) %” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “([0-9]+) % completed” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Total frame time” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Updating frame at time ([0-9]+)” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Render complete” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “rfm Notice: Rendering .* at ([0-9]+)” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] ([0-9]+) percent” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.entry point.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Entry Point.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Render history settings.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Render history note.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Enforcing 64 bit build of Maya
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\MayaBatch.exe”
0: INFO: Render Argument: -prompt -file “//hpz620/Freelance Work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/scenes/Animations/VIDEO_2/Scene_1/Render farm test” -proj “//HPZ620/Freelance Work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process Affinity: default
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 301
0: INFO: Waiting until maya is ready to go
0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya 2013
0: STDOUT: mental ray: version, Jan 31 2012, revision 165283
0: STDOUT: running deadline command: -getrepositoryroot
0: STDOUT: File read in 3 seconds.
0: STDOUT: File read in 3 seconds.
0: STDOUT: File read in 4 seconds.
0: STDOUT: Result: //hpz620/Freelance Work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/scenes/Animations/VIDEO_2/Scene_1/Render farm test
0: INFO: Rendering with mentalray
0: INFO: Rendering to local drive, will copy files and folders to final location after render is complete
0: INFO: Creating melscript to execute
0: INFO: Script contents:
0: INFO:
// Starting Mel program

proc renderIt(string $name) {

string $opt=""; string $rl=""; string $rp=""; int $renderThreads = 2; float $resize=-1.; miLoadMayatomr; miCreateDefaultNodes(); select defaultRenderGlobals; setAttr .renderAll 1;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .animation; setAttr .animation 1; removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .startFrame; setAttr .startFrame 301;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .animation; setAttr .animation 1; removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .endFrame; setAttr .endFrame 301;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .byFrameStep; catch(setAttr .byFrameStep 1);

removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .imageFilePrefix; catch(setAttr -type "string" .imageFilePrefix "slaveTest_<RenderLayer>");
workspace -rt “images” “C:/Users/Dave/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/Daveshp/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempoFwXl0”; workspace -rt “depth” “C:/Users/Dave/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/Daveshp/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempoFwXl0”;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock defaultResolution.width; catch(setAttr defaultResolution.width 1024);
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock defaultResolution.height; catch(setAttr defaultResolution.height 576);

global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_NumThreadAutoOn = true; global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_NumThreadAuto = true;
global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_MemLimitAutoOn = true; global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_MemLimitAuto = true;
global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_VerbosityOn = true; global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_Verbosity = 5;

setMayaSoftwareLayers($rl, $rp); miCreateMentalJobs(); setImageSizePercent($resize); mayaBatchRenderProcedure(0, “”, “”, “mentalRay”, $opt);


// Main part

string $sceneName = “//hpz620/Freelance Work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/scenes/Animations/VIDEO_2/Scene_1/Render farm test”;

string $checkScene = file -q -sn;
if ($checkScene=="") {
error (“Cannot load scene. Please check the scene name.\n”);
} else if (catch(renderIt($sceneName))) {
error (“Render failed.\n”);
} else {
print (“Render completed.\n”);

// Ending Mel program

0: INFO: Executing script: C:\Users\Dave\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpDA57.tmp
0: INFO: Waiting for script to finish
0: INFO: Deadline is ignoring error: “mel: Warning: file: C:/Users/Dave/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpDA57.tmp line 13: The flag “-renderType” is obsolete and has been replaced by the “-fileRule” flag. Please use the new flag.” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is enabled and this error is not usually fatal.
0: STDOUT: mel: Warning: file: C:/Users/Dave/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpDA57.tmp line 13: The flag “-renderType” is obsolete and has been replaced by the “-fileRule” flag. Please use the new flag.
0: INFO: Deadline is ignoring error: “Warning: file: C:/Users/Dave/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpDA57.tmp line 13: The flag “-renderType” is obsolete and has been replaced by the “-fileRule” flag. Please use the new flag.” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is enabled and this error is not usually fatal.
0: STDOUT: Warning: file: C:/Users/Dave/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpDA57.tmp line 13: The flag “-renderType” is obsolete and has been replaced by the “-fileRule” flag. Please use the new flag.
0: INFO: Deadline is ignoring error: “Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/scripts/others/makeCameraRenderable.mel line 60: Found camera shotCam_Shape1.” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is enabled and this error is not usually fatal.
0: STDOUT: Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/scripts/others/makeCameraRenderable.mel line 60: Found camera shotCam_Shape1.
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : optimize animation detection: done 5338 animated nodes
0: STDOUT: MEM 0.0 6 MB info : virtual memory limit set to 9393 MB
0: STDOUT: Info: (mental ray) : number of render thread(s): 4
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr) : render layer Claude_beauty
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : custom string options found
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global approximation settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global displacement settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update lights and related shaders
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Sunlight
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: directionalLight3
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: directionalLight4
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update cameras and related shaders
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update geometry and materials
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Ground_Shadows
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pPipe1
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 6 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 6 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 6 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 6 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture15.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture15.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture15.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:polySurface1
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:polySurface2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:beltStrat_end
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hand_right
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hand_left
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Trousers3
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:ClaudeHead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:ClaudeHead_8_ZBrushNormalMap1: file node connected as normal map (tangent space)
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:ClaudeHead_8_ZBrushNormalMap1: file node connected as normal map (tangent space)
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:ClaudeHead_8_place2dTexture4.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:ClaudeHead_8_place2dTexture4.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:ClaudeHead_8_place2dTexture4.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture8.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture8.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture8.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture11.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture11.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture11.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair:Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:HairShape
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture2.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture2.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture2.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_NormaMap: file node connected as normal map (tangent space)
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_NormaMap: file node connected as normal map (tangent space)
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture3.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture3.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture3.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 17 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 17 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 17 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 17 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture9.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture9.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture9.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture1.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture1.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture1.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : : max displace (0.222316), calculated from displacement bounding box scale
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Eyebrow_Left_main_GRP|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:eyebrow_left2
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture4.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture4.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture4.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 18 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 18 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 18 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 18 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture12.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture12.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture12.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Eyebrow_Right_main_GRP1|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:eyebrow_left2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pasted__pasted__eyeBall
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pasted__pasted__cornea
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pasted__pasted__iris
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pasted__pasted__pupil
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:eyeBall
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:cornea
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:iris
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pupil
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_GRP|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:topGums
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_GRP|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:topTeeth
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_GRP|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:tongue
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_GRP|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_Bottom_grp|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:botGums
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_GRP|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_Bottom_grp|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:botTeeth
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pink_Eye_corner1
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pink_Eye_corner
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace6
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace7
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace8
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace9
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace10
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:rolled_sleeve_right
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 24 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 24 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 24 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 24 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture14.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture14.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture14.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Rolled_sleeve_left
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:White_Shirt_sleeves_Up3
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace6
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace7
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace8
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace9
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace10
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: JOB_text_v02:JOB_group196|JOB_text_v02:J
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: JOB_text_v02:JOB_group196|JOB_text_v02:O
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: JOB_text_v02:JOB_group196|JOB_text_v02:B
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: JOB_text_v02:JOB_group433|JOB_text_v02:J
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: JOB_text_v02:JOB_group433|JOB_text_v02:O
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: JOB_text_v02:JOB_group433|JOB_text_v02:B
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : render camera: shotCam_1
0: STDOUT: MEM 0.2 30 MB info : physical memory detected: total 12271 MB, free 8475 MB
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 30 MB progr: begin scene preprocessing for frame 301
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 30 MB info : 50 geometry leaf instances (50 scheduled, 0 cached, 0 shared)
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 30 MB info : 3 light leaf instances
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 30 MB info : wallclock 0:00:00.00 for scene preprocessing
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 30 MB info : current mem usage 30 MB, max mem usage 30 MB
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : scene extent: (-5817.79,-0.23,-5817.79) : (5817.79,38.37,5817.79)
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: scanline off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: trace on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: trace depth reflection 2, refraction 2, sum 4
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: acceleration bsp2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: shadow on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: shadow maps (use) (recompute)
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: lightmap on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: motion off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: luminance weights 0.212671 0.71516 0.072169
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: caustic off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: globillum off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalgather on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalg. mode automatic
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalg. points 10
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalg. rays 100
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: rebuild on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: filter 0
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalg. depth reflection 1, refraction 1,
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: diffuse 0, total 2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalg. scale 1 1 1 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalg. secondary scale 1 1 1 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: samples min -1, max 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: contrast 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1, all buffers
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: filter triangle 2 2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: face both
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: hair on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: task size 64
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: lens on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: volume on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: geometry on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: displace on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: premultiply on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: colorclip raw
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: output on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: merge on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: texture cache local
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: limit dynamic
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: fb mem management mapped
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: type filter name
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : rgba yes mayaGlow
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : rgba yes mayaColor
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: focal length 0.98425
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: aperture 1.41732
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: aspect 1.77778
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: resolution 1024 576
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: clip 0.1 10000
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: frame 301 301 0
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 30 MB progr: scheduling precomputing final gather jobs
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB progr: rendering
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 30 MB progr: begin intersection preprocessing
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 30 MB info : using BSP2 for eye rays
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 30 MB info : using BSP2 for secondary rays
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 30 MB progr: end intersection preprocessing
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 30 MB info : wallclock 0:00:00.00 for intersection prep.
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 30 MB info : current mem usage 30 MB, max mem usage 30 MB
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 30 MB info : -----------------------------------------------
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 30 MB info : mayabase version 10.8, compiled on Feb 22 2012.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 30 MB info : -----------------------------------------------
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 30 MB progr: computing final gather points
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.4 47 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_DisplacementMap.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.3 225 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.3 226 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.3 226 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.3 226 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.3 226 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: RCMP 0.2 272 MB info : map cache size set to 2068 MB
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 273 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/Claude_head_NormalMap_v03.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.2 337 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_NormalMap.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.2 385 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.2 385 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.2 385 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.2 385 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.2 385 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 449 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/Claude_head_Spec_16bit.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.2 577 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_col.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 641 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/Claude_head_ToonCol.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.3 705 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.3 705 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.3 705 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.3 705 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.3 705 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 710 MB info : finished computing final gather level 2 (pass 1 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 710 MB info : finished computing final gather level 1 (pass 2 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 712 MB info : finished computing final gather level 0 (pass 3 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 711 MB info : depth #finalgather points
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 711 MB info : 0 22691
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 711 MB info : 1 1
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 711 MB info : ray type number
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 711 MB info : eye 79904
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 711 MB info : transparency 39
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 711 MB info : reflection 5928
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 711 MB info : shadow 407742
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 711 MB info : environment 5510
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 711 MB info : finalgather 2268308
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 711 MB info : balancing updated finalgather map (22692 points)
0: STDOUT: RCMP 0.2 742 MB info : wallclock 0:00:00.05 for building the BVH for map 0
0: STDOUT: RCMP 0.2 742 MB info : current mem usage 742 MB, max mem usage 746 MB
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 742 MB info : wallclock 0:00:14.91 for computing finalgather points
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 742 MB info : current mem usage 742 MB, max mem usage 746 MB
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 745 MB info : rendering statistics
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 745 MB info : type number per eye ray
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 745 MB info : eye rays 254693 1.00
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 745 MB info : transparent rays 4 0.00
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 745 MB info : reflection rays 245 0.00
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 745 MB info : shadow rays 150458 0.59
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 745 MB info : environment rays 138 0.00
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 745 MB info : fg points interpolated 150454 0.59
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 745 MB info : on average 18.45 finalgather points used per interpolation
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 712 MB progr: calling output shaders
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 712 MB progr: maya_shaderglow(): Computing glow…
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 716 MB info : maya_shaderglow(): Glow: Filter Width … 33
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 716 MB info : maya_shaderglow(): Resolution … 0.638926
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 716 MB info : maya_shaderglow(): Normalization … 2.178000
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 717 MB info : maya_shaderglow(): Halo: Filter Width … 81
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 717 MB info : maya_shaderglow(): Resolution … 0.260841
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 717 MB info : maya_shaderglow(): Normalization … 13.122000
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 717 MB progr: maya_shaderglow(): Done!
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 712 MB progr: writing frame buffer mayaColor to image file C:/Users/Dave/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/Daveshp/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempoFwXl0/slaveTest_Claude_beauty.301.tif (frame 301)
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 712 MB progr: rendering finished
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 712 MB info : wallclock 0:00:17.10 for rendering
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 712 MB info : current mem usage 712 MB, max mem usage 749 MB
0: STDOUT: GAPM 0.2 712 MB info : triangle count (including retessellation) : 758512
0: STDOUT: Render completed.
0: INFO: Moving output files and folders from C:/Users/Dave/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline/slave/Daveshp/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempoFwXl0 to //HPZ620/Freelance Work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/images/ANIMATION_RENDERS/VIDEO2/SCENE1
0: INFO: Moving file C:\Users\Dave\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline\slave\Daveshp\jobsData\mayaOutput_tempoFwXl0\slaveTest_Claude_beauty.301.tif to //HPZ620/Freelance Work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/images/ANIMATION_RENDERS/VIDEO2/SCENE1\slaveTest_Claude_beauty.301.tif

Log Details

Log Date/Time = Sep 22/12 14:27:16
Frames = 301-301

Slave Machine = Daveshp
Slave Version = v5.2.0.47700 R

Plugin Name = MayaBatch[/size]

Thanks for running the local test. Since the problem happens locally without using Deadline, it must be a more general Maya problem. Unfortunately, this falls out of my area of expertise, so it might be best to contact Autodesk’s support team to see if they know anything about this problem.

Regarding that layer error, it’s not coming directly from our submission script (ie: we don’t have an error message that complains about the current layer being a referenced layer). You said though that you still have issues with the scene when rendering locally after importing the references. If that’s the case, it’s not going to help submitting the job to Deadline because you’re going to get the same results. I think it’s best to ensure that the scene will work locally first, and then submit to Deadline.


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan, sorry for the confusion, when I say I ran it locally I meant I still submitted it through deadline, but checked “Enable local rendering” which still doesn’t work. If I do a normal batch render in Maya locally as you meant it works fine, I know this because Ive had to carry on rendering to try and get my job finished whilst still having issues with Deadline the last week.

So the problem is definitely with Deadline. So I then tried importing my reference objects into maya so deadline didn’t have to deal with and imported referenced files, but that is when I got this error message…
[size=85]// Warning: file: //DAVESHP/DeadlineRepository/submission/Maya/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 2897: ‘Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:defaultRenderLayer’ is a layer from a referenced scene and is not allowed to be the current layer.[/size]

It seems lots of other people online have had the same problem, its a maya thing when you import reference so its all in one scene it leaves these defaultRender layer nodes… I finally fixed that if anyone is interested by going to the hypershade under Rendering and deleting these nodes, and now I can render !

So I ran a test to see if my main problem of one of my slaves rendered frames meshes still distorting as in my video I uploaded for you, and hoorah … it works fine !! :smiley:
So it seems that Deadline cannot handle maya files that have other files referenced into them. Its a bit of a pain as it means I need to import my references and save as a new file just to submit to Deadline every time, but at least I can get it working now. Will there be any updates to fix this issue using references in Maya ?

Many thanks

Thanks for clarifying, and I’m glad you were able to get it to work!

That’s strange about the file reference problem though. As far as we know, Deadline shouldn’t have any problems with referenced files, providing that all render nodes can “see” these referenced files (ie: they’re available on the network). When Deadline renders a Maya job, it is invoking the same commands that Maya would use if you were to call Render.exe from a command line, so if Render.exe supports file references, then Deadline should be able to support them too.

I checked the log you posted, and it’s from a job that was submitted with “Use MayaBatch” enabled. If you want to continue debugging this issue, please submit the same job but with the “Use MayaBatch” option disabled and then upload the log. This will make Deadline launch a regular command line job, and we can use the info from that log to run a test on your second slave without Deadline. Perhaps it might be a Maya issue that only comes up when batch rendering outside of the Maya interface (it’s rare, but we’ve seen cases like this before).


  • Ryan

Hey, I ve just done the test for you, “MayaBatch” disabled and it does not work, still get the deformations on slave one frames only, so here is a log from one of the bad frames from Slave 1:
Log Message

0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: slave test no mayaBatch, using refs - Claude_beauty (999_050_999_72d6cb6d)
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin MayaCmd
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “FLEXlm error: ." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.3DL ERROR .” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "Usage: Render .
” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “Finished Rendering..([0-9]+).[^.]+" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Finished Rendering.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “Constructing shading groups|Rendering current frame” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Error: .|.Warning: .” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +rendered” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +computing final gather points” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "progr: writing image file .
(frame ([0-9]+))” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +rendering finished” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “| render done” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] Completed frame*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame 100.00.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Render complete.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] Percentage of rendering done: (.)" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression ".
[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame ([0-9]+.[0-9]+)." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.RIMG : +([0-9]+)%" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "V-Ray: Building light cache
” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "V-Ray: Prepass ([0-9]+) of ([0-9]+)
” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Rendering image*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: +([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: +([0-9]+) %” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “([0-9]+) % completed” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Total frame time” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Updating frame at time ([0-9]+)” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Render complete” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “rfm Notice: Rendering .* at ([0-9]+)” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] ([0-9]+) percent” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.entry point.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Entry Point.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Render history settings.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Render history note.” will be ignored
0: INFO: About: Maya Cmd Plugin for Deadline
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 300
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Enforcing 64 bit build of Maya
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\Render.exe”
0: INFO: Rendering to network drive
0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2013.0
0: INFO: Rendering with Mental Ray
0: INFO: Render Argument: -r mr -v 5 -art -aml -x 320 -y 240 -rl Claude_beauty -s 300 -e 300 -b 1 -rd “//HPZ620/Freelance Work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/images/ANIMATION_RENDERS/VIDEO2/SCENE1” -im “Scene1_shot2_ClaudeWakeUp_” -cam “shotCam_Shape1” -proj “//HPZ620/Freelance Work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work” “\hpz620\Freelance Work\The Detective Group\DG - character project\Maya work\scenes\Animations\VIDEO_2\Scene_1\Render farm test”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process Affinity: default
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: STDOUT: Starting “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\mayabatch.exe”
0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya 2013
0: STDOUT: mental ray: version, Jan 31 2012, revision 165283
0: STDOUT: running deadline command: -getrepositoryroot
0: STDOUT: File read in 6 seconds.
0: STDOUT: File read in 3 seconds.
0: STDOUT: File read in 4 seconds.
0: STDOUT: Result: //hpz620/Freelance Work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/scenes/Animations/VIDEO_2/Scene_1/Render farm test
0: INFO: Deadline is ignoring error: “Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/scripts/others/makeCameraRenderable.mel line 60: Found camera shotCam_Shape1.” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is enabled and this error is not usually fatal.
0: STDOUT: Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/scripts/others/makeCameraRenderable.mel line 60: Found camera shotCam_Shape1.
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : optimize animation detection: done 5338 animated nodes
0: STDOUT: MEM 0.0 6 MB info : virtual memory limit set to 9394 MB
0: STDOUT: Info: (mental ray) : number of render thread(s): 4
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr) : render layer Claude_beauty
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : custom string options found
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global approximation settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global displacement settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update lights and related shaders
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Sunlight
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: directionalLight3
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: directionalLight4
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update cameras and related shaders
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update geometry and materials
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Ground_Shadows
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pPipe1
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 6 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 6 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 6 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 6 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture15.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture15.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture15.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:polySurface1
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:polySurface2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:beltStrat_end
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hand_right
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hand_left
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Trousers3
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:ClaudeHead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:ClaudeHead_8_ZBrushNormalMap1: file node connected as normal map (tangent space)
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:ClaudeHead_8_ZBrushNormalMap1: file node connected as normal map (tangent space)
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:ClaudeHead_8_place2dTexture4.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:ClaudeHead_8_place2dTexture4.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:ClaudeHead_8_place2dTexture4.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture8.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture8.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture8.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture11.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture11.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture11.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair:Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:HairShape
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture2.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture2.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture2.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_NormaMap: file node connected as normal map (tangent space)
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_NormaMap: file node connected as normal map (tangent space)
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture3.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture3.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture3.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 17 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 17 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 17 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 17 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture9.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture9.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture9.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture1.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture1.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture1.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : : max displace (0.222316), calculated from displacement bounding box scale
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Eyebrow_Left_main_GRP|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:eyebrow_left2
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture4.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture4.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Hair_UVd_fromMaya_1_place2dTexture4.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 18 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 18 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 18 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 18 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture12.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture12.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture12.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Eyebrow_Right_main_GRP1|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:eyebrow_left2
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pasted__pasted__eyeBall
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pasted__pasted__cornea
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pasted__pasted__iris
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pasted__pasted__pupil
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:eyeBall
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:cornea
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:iris
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pupil
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_GRP|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:topGums
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_GRP|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:topTeeth
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_GRP|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:tongue
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_GRP|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_Bottom_grp|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:botGums
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_GRP|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Mouth_Bottom_grp|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:botTeeth
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pink_Eye_corner1
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:pink_Eye_corner
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace6
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace7
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace8
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace9
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace10
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_right_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:rolled_sleeve_right
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 24 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 24 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 24 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.0 24 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture14.vertexUvOne: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture14.vertexUvTwo: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:place2dTexture14.vertexUvThree: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Rolled_sleeve_left
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:White_Shirt_sleeves_Up3
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace6
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace7
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace8
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace9
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace10
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:Shoe_left_group|Cartoony_Claude_v13_Rigged1:shoelace11
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: JOB_text_v02:JOB_group196|JOB_text_v02:J
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: JOB_text_v02:JOB_group196|JOB_text_v02:O
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: JOB_text_v02:JOB_group196|JOB_text_v02:B
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: JOB_text_v02:JOB_group433|JOB_text_v02:J
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: JOB_text_v02:JOB_group433|JOB_text_v02:O
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: JOB_text_v02:JOB_group433|JOB_text_v02:B
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : render camera: shotCam_1
0: STDOUT: MEM 0.2 30 MB info : physical memory detected: total 12271 MB, free 7852 MB
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 30 MB progr: begin scene preprocessing for frame 300
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 30 MB info : 50 geometry leaf instances (50 scheduled, 0 cached, 0 shared)
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 30 MB info : 3 light leaf instances
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 30 MB info : wallclock 0:00:00.00 for scene preprocessing
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 30 MB info : current mem usage 30 MB, max mem usage 30 MB
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : scene extent: (-5817.79,-0.23,-5817.79) : (5817.79,38.37,5817.79)
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: scanline off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: trace on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: trace depth reflection 2, refraction 2, sum 4
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: acceleration bsp2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: shadow on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: shadow maps (use) (recompute)
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: lightmap on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: motion off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: luminance weights 0.212671 0.71516 0.072169
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: caustic off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: globillum off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalgather on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalg. mode automatic
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalg. points 10
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalg. rays 100
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: rebuild on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: filter 0
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalg. depth reflection 1, refraction 1,
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: diffuse 0, total 2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalg. scale 1 1 1 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: finalg. secondary scale 1 1 1 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: samples min -1, max 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: contrast 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1, all buffers
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: filter triangle 2 2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: face both
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: hair on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: task size 24
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: lens on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: volume on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: geometry on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: displace on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: premultiply on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: colorclip raw
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: output on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: merge on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: texture cache local
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: limit dynamic
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : option: fb mem management mapped
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: type filter name
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : rgba yes mayaGlow
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : rgba yes mayaColor
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: focal length 0.98425
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: aperture 1.25952
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: aspect 1.333
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: resolution 320 240
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: clip 0.1 10000
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB info : camera: frame 300 300 0
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 30 MB progr: scheduling precomputing final gather jobs
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 30 MB progr: rendering
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 30 MB progr: begin intersection preprocessing
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 30 MB info : using BSP2 for eye rays
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 30 MB info : using BSP2 for secondary rays
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 30 MB progr: end intersection preprocessing
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 30 MB info : wallclock 0:00:00.00 for intersection prep.
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 30 MB info : current mem usage 30 MB, max mem usage 30 MB
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 30 MB info : -----------------------------------------------
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 30 MB info : mayabase version 10.8, compiled on Feb 22 2012.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 30 MB info : -----------------------------------------------
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 30 MB progr: computing final gather points
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.2 47 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_DisplacementMap.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 222 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 222 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 222 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 222 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 222 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …ject/Maya work/textures/Male jeans shirt/WhiteShirt_Bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.4 269 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/Claude_head_NormalMap_v03.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.2 333 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_NormalMap.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 381 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 381 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 381 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 381 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 381 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …- character project/Maya work/textures/Belt/leather_bump.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.6 385 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.6 385 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.6 385 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.6 385 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.6 385 MB warn 102023: TIFFReadDirectory: …roup/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_Spec.tif: wrong data type 7 for “RichTIFFIPTC”; tag ignored.
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.4 449 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/Claude_head_Spec_16bit.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.2 577 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/hair_col.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.5 641 MB progr: opening texture D:/Freelance work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/textures/Claude_head_ToonCol.tif, for reading
0: STDOUT: RCMP 0.2 705 MB info : map cache size set to 1793 MB
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : finished computing final gather level 2 (pass 1 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : finished computing final gather level 1 (pass 2 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : finished computing final gather level 0 (pass 3 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : depth #finalgather points
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : 0 4119
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : ray type number
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : eye 10930
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : transparency 1
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : reflection 1052
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : shadow 66668
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : environment 989
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : finalgather 411748
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 706 MB info : balancing updated finalgather map (4119 points)
0: STDOUT: RCMP 0.2 729 MB info : wallclock 0:00:00.02 for building the BVH for map 0
0: STDOUT: RCMP 0.2 729 MB info : current mem usage 729 MB, max mem usage 733 MB
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 729 MB info : wallclock 0:00:11.32 for computing finalgather points
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 729 MB info : current mem usage 729 MB, max mem usage 733 MB
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 731 MB info : rendering statistics
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 731 MB info : type number per eye ray
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 731 MB info : eye rays 53019 1.00
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 731 MB info : reflection rays 35 0.00
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 731 MB info : shadow rays 35371 0.67
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 731 MB info : environment rays 20 0.00
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 731 MB info : fg points interpolated 35371 0.67
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 731 MB info : on average 17.76 finalgather points used per interpolation
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 698 MB progr: calling output shaders
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 698 MB progr: maya_shaderglow(): Computing glow…
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 699 MB info : maya_shaderglow(): Glow: Filter Width … 11
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 699 MB info : maya_shaderglow(): Resolution … 0.638926
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 699 MB info : maya_shaderglow(): Normalization … 0.242000
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 699 MB info : maya_shaderglow(): Halo: Filter Width … 25
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 699 MB info : maya_shaderglow(): Resolution … 0.260841
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 699 MB info : maya_shaderglow(): Normalization … 1.250000
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 699 MB progr: maya_shaderglow(): Done!
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 698 MB progr: writing frame buffer mayaColor to image file //HPZ620/Freelance Work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/images/ANIMATION_RENDERS/VIDEO2/SCENE1/Scene1_shot2_ClaudeWakeUp_Claude_beauty.300.tif (frame 300)
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 698 MB progr: rendering finished
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 698 MB info : wallclock 0:00:11.80 for rendering
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 698 MB info : current mem usage 698 MB, max mem usage 734 MB
0: STDOUT: GAPM 0.2 698 MB info : triangle count (including retessellation) : 758512
0: STDOUT: Scene \hpz620\Freelance Work\The Detective Group\DG - character project\Maya work\scenes\Animations\VIDEO_2\Scene_1\Render farm test completed.
0: INFO: Process exit code: 0

Log Details

Log Date/Time = Sep 24/12 15:21:55
Frames = 300-300

Slave Machine = Daveshp
Slave Version = v5.2.0.47700 R

Plugin Name = MayaCmd[/size]


Thanks! The next thing to do is to go to the same slave machine, open a command prompt, and run this command:

"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\Render.exe" -r mr -v 5 -art -aml -x 320 -y 240 -rl Claude_beauty -s 300 -e 300 -b 1 -rd "//HPZ620/Freelance Work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work/images/ANIMATION_RENDERS/VIDEO2/SCENE1" -im "Scene1_shot2_ClaudeWakeUp_<RenderLayer>" -cam "shotCam_Shape1" -proj "//HPZ620/Freelance Work/The Detective Group/DG - character project/Maya work" "\\hpz620\Freelance Work\The Detective Group\DG - character project\Maya work\scenes\Animations\VIDEO_2\Scene_1\Render farm test"

This is the exact same command that Deadline is running. If you get the bad frames as well, then at least we can rule out Deadline as the main cause.


  • Ryan

Hi, I just ran that on the machine where the bad slave is and its still bad, so I guess that its not deadline !, Very sorry about that. :blush:
So I then thought, these errors still look like an older character before I edited the skinning, and on the older machine with the slave that was giving me bad frames…,. so I did a random test of copying the newest character reference file over to the old machine in the job folder where I was working from before I got this newer machine and ALL the frames are now fine ??? how is this even possible?

So that means that deadline was reading the referenced character file on my new machine from my new file on this machine, but the slave on my older machine was calling in an older reference file when rendering, but how is this possible ? … my project directory when submitting is set to my new machine, a completely different computer and folder ?
Does that mean I need a duplicate copy of the whole Maya project on both machines ?

No worries! I’m just glad we were able to figure out the cause of the problem! :slight_smile: I’m also glad that Deadline wasn’t the cause. :smiley:

You shouldn’t need a duplicate copy of the Maya project folder. It should just be in one location that can be accessed by all machines. I checked the render arguments in the log, and it confirms that a shared folder is being specified as the project folder:

Providing that the “bad” machine could resolve that path, and that the new character reference was in there, it should have pulled everything from that location.


  • Ryan

Thats exactly what I thought, so I don’t know how copying the updated reference on to my old machine made it work again, its impossible. It should be reading everything from my HPZ620 ?
But it was definitely reading the old referenced file because the errors were areas where I updated the skinning on the character and all fixed when i updated the older file. I might try and delete the whole folder from the older machine, but I do like to keep a backup there.

thanks again for all your help