Maya imported refrences

Hi, Trying to render a scene via deadline and getting an odd error. Any advice?

The maya8.5 scene has several ‘house’ objects which were imported via refrence editor. They are no longer refrences, but deadline seems to freak and will not submit the render. the scene renders fine using only maya.

exact message…

//Warning: ‘House_solo:defaultRenderLayer’ is a layer from a refrenced scene and is not allowed to be the current layer.


Hi Erik,

This is a known issue, but we haven’t found a solution yet. Currently,

you cannot have the “Submit Each Layer As A Separate Job” option enabled

when submitting a job with referenced layers. Currently, the only

solution is to simply disable this option when submitting the job. Sorry

for the inconvenience.


Thanks for the quick heads up Ryan, glad im not going crazy.



Erik Karasyk

Co-Founder, Creative Director


Studio 718-422-1537

Mobile 917-309-1346

On Oct 24, 2007, at 12:45 PM, Frantic_Deadline Listmanager wrote:

From: “Ryan Russell” (

Hi Erik,

This is a known issue, but we haven’t found a solution yet. Currently,

you cannot have the “Submit Each Layer As A Separate Job” option


when submitting a job with referenced layers. Currently, the only

solution is to simply disable this option when submitting the job.


for the inconvenience.


I solved the problem this way:

1: in the outliner, uncheck “Show Dag objects only”

2.find your node “your_reference”:defaultRenderLayer

3. set the “Renderable” attribute of that node to 0.


setAttr “deleteme:defaultRenderLayer.renderable” 0;